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She growled. Holly wanted answers, damn it, but no one was around to give them to her.

Holly clenched her fingers and started pacing to ease some of her tension. Once she was allowed to see Fraser, and provided the dragon doctor could honestly put his dragon half into a “time out,” she was going to tie the dragonman down if need be and demand some answers.

Because no matter what happened or how much Fraser’s touch made her heart race, Holly Anderson was going home as soon as her time was up.


Arabella MacLeod watched as Fergus paced from one window to the next, and then from one door to the next, checking for any signs of trespassing. If only Finn would hurry the hell up and tell them what was going on upstairs, then her cousin-in-law would sit his arse down and stop making her dizzy with all of his pacing.

Adjusting her position in the hard, wooden chair, she sighed. “Fergus, calm down. If it had been an intruder, Finn would’ve shouted and asked for your help by now.”

Fergus turned with a growl. Gone was the usually kind, calm expression. In its place was a snarl and flashing dragon eyes. “It’s taking every iota of restraint I have not to rush up the stairs and check on Holly.” Fergus ran a hand through his auburn locks. “This isn’t how the night was supposed to go.”

Arabella’s dragon spoke up. In more ways than one.

Just because you think there’s something between Holly and Fraser doesn’t mean it’s true. You shouldn’t jump to conclusions.

Dragons have a sense about these things. Between the pregnancy and extra hormones, I’m hyperaware of attraction and sexual energy. Speaking of which, where’s Finn? I want him again.

Arabella mentally sighed. As I’ve told you, no sex tonight. Today’s the first time I’ve kept anything down in weeks. I’m not going to risk it.

Finn will make us feel good.

Ignoring her dragon, Arabella answered Fergus, “Don’t start playing the ‘what if’ game just yet, Fergus. For all we know, it could be one of the clan members who left two months ago when Finn gave them the option.”

Someone in the clan had betrayed Finn by giving the Dragon Knights the codes to the back gates. The knights had wanted Arabella’s head. Once Finn and the DDA had cleaned up the mess, Finn had had enough and told anyone who didn’t support him and his mate to leave.

Every day Arabella wondered if the clan deserters would come back to wreak havoc.

Fergus growled. “That isn’t helping, Ara.”

She hated how people other than Finn would only trust her when it suited them on Lochguard. No matter how much the MacKenzies had welcomed Arabella into the clan, she was still an outsider.

Her dragons spoke up again. They will learn to trust us with time.

Time is what we don’t have right now.

Needing help, Arabella looked to Faye and raised her eyebrows.

Faye took the hint and walked to her brother’s side. “Grant would’ve told me if he or the other Protectors had picked up on a possible threat. I saw him today and he didn’t say anything. I highly doubt it’s the clan deserters or an intruder, unless they’ve recruited former Special Forces to their cause.”

Fergus met Faye’s eyes. “Forgive me, sister, but you haven’t been in the loop on inside security threats for nearly two months. After this, I should pay Grant a visit. He’s in charge of the Protectors now and he needs to up his game.”

Faye jabbed Fergus’s chest. “Don’t go blaming Grant for some nonexistent threat, Fergus Roger MacKenzie. He’s been making all sorts of upgrades since the last attack.”

Arabella should stay out of the siblings’ conversation, but her curiosity burned to know more. “Since when are you defending Grant McFarland?”

Faye raised her chin. “He’s Lochguard’s head Protector. We all should be defending him.”

Interesting. Finn had mentioned Grant being a bastard to Faye several years ago and them no longer being friends. If Arabella could tame her nausea and exhaustion long enough to ever move about the clan freely again, she would have to be more observant.

Hell, she might even try to tap some of the clan security feeds to finally figure out where Faye spent her days.

Arabella’s dragon spoke up. If we start feeling better, we’re not walking about the clan. We’re going to drag Finn into a room, lock the door, and ride him hard.

She mentally sighed. I enjoy Finn’s cock as much as you do, but there is more to life than constant sex.

Maybe for you. I hardly ever get to fly anymore because of the baby making us sick. Sex is all I have to look forward to.
