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Fraser didn’t want to face Finn’s wrath because of his dragon going rogue. Fraser needed something to preoccupy his beast.

Deciding he would take his sister’s jabs later, he spoke up. “Give me a task, Faye. I need to do something or my dragon will go crazy.”

Faye briefly met his eyes in the mirror. “Then take out your mobile phone and be ready to call Lochguard to let them know what’s going on. Finn and Grant can also reach out to contacts and find a way to check on Holly’s father.”

Fraser took out his phone. As much as he hated any threat to Holly, at least his sister Faye was acting like her old self again.

Which was good, considering they might need her brain and fighting skills if things turned south.


Holly’s stomach flipped as Faye took the exit onto the A90 motorway. Between battling her lingering exhaustion and her fears about her father, Holly was on the verge of breaking down.

While she’d thought often about how she could die in childbirth, she never once imagined someone going after her and her father to get back at the dragon-shifters.

To think everyone on Lochguard lived with this constant threat over their heads made her heart squeeze. Finn, Fraser, and the rest of Lochguard hadn’t been anything but kind to her. They didn’t deserve the hatred aimed at them and their kind.

Iris’s voice cut through her thoughts. “The bastards are still there. Where to next, Holly?”

After Holly gave her suggestions, Faye and Iris went back to talking about options and possible threats.

Fraser leaned down and whispered, “I trust Faye with not just my life, but yours and our child’s as well. We couldn’t ask for a better dragon-shifter to protect us.”

She met Fraser’s eyes. “I don’t doubt Faye, but what about my father? The thought of someone going after him too and doing who knows what to him makes me sick to the stomach.”

He rubbed up and down her arm. “Even if Finn and Grant don’t have any contacts in Aberdeen, Clan Stonefire should. I could say not to worry and nothing will happen. But you’re clever and know it could. Instead, I’ll just say that you’re part of Lochguard now. And Lochguard does everything in its power to protect its own. If there’s a way to save your father, Finn will work to find it.”

The steel in his voice helped to calm her stomach a fraction. She also knew Fraser’s words about being part of Lochguard were significant, but she would have to digest that statement later, when she wasn’t fretting about her father’s life.

Holly snuggled into Fraser’s side and took a deep inhalation. His scent helped to slow her heart rate a little. “If this is what it takes to be accepted at Lochguard, you might want to reevaluate your criteria.”

Fraser’s voice was lighter as he replied, “You can mention that to Finn the next time you see him.”

Faye took a sharp left turn and Holly was thrown against Fraser. Her dragonman wrapped his arms around her and whispered, “Even if it takes my life, I’ll fight to keep you and your father safe, Holly.”

In any other moment, Holly might have made a skeptical quip. But as her heart pounded and head throbbed with worry, she merely melted in Fraser’s side. She was exhausted and needed all the support available.

Faye’s voice cut through the silence. “The bastards are quite good. I can’t lose them. I think we’re going to have to pull over and take a stand, Iris.”

Iris unclicked her seatbelt. “I agree. Fraser, when we stop, you take Holly and run. They may have sent photos of our car to others, so driving is out of the question. I don’t care where you go, but take her as far away from us as possible. Do you understand?”

Before Fraser could answer, Holly asked, “What about my father?”

Iris motioned toward Fraser. “Your male can contact Lochguard and set things in motion. Once Faye and I figure out who we’re up against, we can formulate a better plan of attack. If we’re lucky, they’re only after us.”

Faye made a high-speed turn into a side alley. Only the combination of Fraser’s arms around Holly and her seatbelt prevented her from bei

ng tossed to the other side of the car.

For the first time, she was glad to be newly pregnant. A high-speed car chase would be hell when combined with morning sickness.

The car stopped with a jolt. As Faye undid her seatbelt, she ordered, “Take Holly and run, brother.”

Fraser nodded. “Take care, sister.”

“I will,” Faye answered and then she was out the door and jogging down the alley. Iris wasn’t far behind.

Fraser threw open the door and guided Holly out of the car. “I’m only going to ask this once, Holly. Do you want me to carry you or can you run?”
