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“He gave me full control over relations with Seahaven. This is my call. If anything goes wrong, the responsibility is mine.”

“Give me a second.” The line went silent for about thirty seconds before Euan’s voice came over the line again. “Daniel Keith will go, provided he returns tomorrow.”

Fergus would take what he could get. “Done.”

“Right, he’ll fly in. I’ll send a picture of his dragon, so your Protectors know who to look out for.”

Fergus should let it drop, but his curiosity got the better of him. “Why did you change your mind?”

“Daniel is a distant cousin of Gregor Innes. Regardless of the past, he can’t turn his back on family, no matter if others have.”

Euan’s words were a stark reminder of Lochguard’s former leader and his harsh edicts to those with human mates or immediate family with human mates. “Thank you, Euan. I’m sure this will be the first step toward mending relations.”

“I wouldn’t hold my breath,” Euan muttered before the line went dead.

Fergus looked to Fraser. “It worked. Daniel Keith of Seahaven is coming. Euan is sending his picture so we know it’s not another traitor.”

Fraser clapped his shoulder. “Your patience and diplomatic crap has its uses.”

“Fraser, let me remind you of how many time my ‘patience and diplomatic crap’ has saved your arse.”

Fraser opened his mouth to reply just as Lorna raced into the room and grabbed Holly’s hand. “Come, child. We need your help.”

Holly frowned. “What’s wrong?”

Lorna met Fergus’s eyes. “Gina's in labor.”

Fergus’s dragon woke up from dozing and roared. She needs our help.

Fraser spoke up. “Go, Fergus. With Ross here, we can coordinate everything fine.”

He glanced to his brother. “Thanks, Fraser.”

Not waiting to hear what his twin said, Fergus rushed down the hall and followed Holly and his mum into the far room. Gina lay on a bed with her eyes closed; Arabella held her hand at the bedside.

Fergus tried to reach Gina, but Holly waved him away. “I know you’re concerned, but I need to see her first. Talk to her. That will help.”

“Gina, lass.” His mate opened her eyes and his dragon growled at the pain he saw there. “Your bairn has impeccable timing, I’ll give him that.”

“Now is not the time to tease me, Fergus MacKenzie. Even if it’s not your sperm that created our son, I’m still going to blame you for him.”

Both man and beast stood taller at that remark. “Then do your worst, lass. I can take it.” She raised her middle finger and he chuckled. “I’m not sure if that’s the first thing you want the bairn to see on the way out.”

Arabella released Gina’s hand and stood up. “Sit down, Fergus.” He hesitated, not wanting to deprive Arabella of a seat. She rolled her eyes and pointed behind him. “I can sit over there. Will that appease your protective male nature?”

He grunted and Arabella scurried away. Not that he could blame the lass—she would be going through the same process herself later in the year, except three times. Gina’s pain would only remind her of what was to come.

At least Arabella was a female dragon-shifter and should have an easy enough time. With humans carrying a dragon-shifter child, it could go smoothly or turn dire.

His dragon chimed in. She will be fine. Gina is young and strong.

Age makes little difference compared to genetics.

His beast huffed. Stop being rational for once and think positively. Gina will sense your unease and doubt, which might worsen the situation.

Admitting his dragon was right, Fergus slipped into the seat and took Gina’s hand in his. He used the other one to smooth her brow. Even though he was looking at his mate, his question was directed at Holly. “How far along is she, Holly?”

Holly answered, “Farther along than I’d like, given our lack of resources. But we’re going to make the most of it.”
