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Chapter Seven

As Grant soared over the darkening landscape, he studied the ground for anything unusual. Since dragon-shifters could see well in the dark, he didn’t worry about the fading light and took his time. He needed to be thorough.

The last place he’d seen his uncle had been near Elgin, which was to the east of Inverness. But that meant little considering his previous sighting had been months ago.

While scrutinizing the landscape, he noted the shape of the trees, hills, and lochs. Despite living his whole life in the Scottish Highlands except during his two years with the British Armed Forces, the beauty of his home country never failed to amaze him.

Since he’d had to free his dragon to shift, his beast grunted and said, I’d much rather see a different kind of scenery.

If we weren’t one and the same, I’d love to see you ask to admire Faye’s scenery. However, I have no desire to be kicked in the bollocks.

She wouldn’t do that. At most, she’36d sweep our legs out from under us and straddle our chest. Would that be so bad?

The image of Faye’s warm body on top of his chest flashed into his mind. He’d try to roll her over and she’d find a way to be on top again.

Things would never be easy with Faye MacKenzie, but Grant looked forward to it. Any other female he’d tried to pursue in the past had lacked Faye’s spark. He easily tired of tame and well-behaved. He didn’t want someone who tried to please him. His mother had done that with his father and they’d never formed a strong connection. Even when dragon-shifters weren’t true mates, they could still have passion.

And Grant wanted plenty of it, but only with a certain female.

If only he hadn’t been such a bloody idiot as a young man when he’d said Faye wasn’t feminine enough for him.

He beat his wings harder. Being the head Protector of a clan was both easy and challenging. Apart from Finn and the MacKenzies, everyone looked to him for guidance. He wasn’t one to dispense advice, so he merely led by example.

Of course, the females only saw the image he projected. Faye was one of the few who had seen him at his worst and still forgiven him in the long run. He was determined to also show her his best.

Finishing his final sweep, he glided around and headed back toward Inverness. He hadn’t expected to find any signs of his uncle on the first night, but a part of him was still disappointed.

His beast huffed. I’m disappointed, too. I was hoping to root out the threat and woo Faye tonight.

It’s going to take more bloody work than one flight over the countryside.

Not everything has to be difficult. Of course, if you merely snogged her a little to show her a preview of what’s to come, then I might stop doing this.

His dragon sent a stream of images that all involved Faye naked. Some with her under him, some with her on top, and more than a few with him taking her from behind.

Stop it, dragon. That won’t be happening anytime soon.

It will if you kiss her.

And start the frenzy?

So you finally acknowledge she’s our true mate.

I’m not stupid. But I also can’t risk the frenzy overtaking either of us.

I think she’s strong enough to contain it. Aren’t you?

Probably, but it’s not up for discussion.

His dragon continued to send naked pictures of Faye into his head the whole flight back.

They finally landed in the cordoned section of Inverness Castle’s car park, which was the si

te of the Inverness Sheriff Court and a concealed DDA holding cell. The DDA had determined it to be one of the safest places for them to land and take off from in the city.

Grant imagined his snout shrinking into his nose, his wings melding into his back, and his limbs morphing back into human arms and legs. Once he was human again, he barely noted the red sandstone castle as he walked to the secure lockers at the edge of the protected area. After donning his clothes again, he checked his mobile. There was a text message from Faye: Cat is dining with the other participants and the DDA’s security team. I’m going to the curry place near the river with some of the other dragons. It’s the same restaurant as Cat and the others.

His dragon spoke up again. We should go and make sure no one tries to take her away from us. Only Stonefire will leave her alone.
