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“Wait, what? My mum agreed to venture outside her cottage?”

Faye rolled her eyes. “Her eldest son is laid up in a surgery. Of course she’s going to come.”

With anyone else, Grant would’ve changed the subject; however, he never wanted to keep secrets from Faye. “How much do you know about my mother?”

She shrugged one shoulder. “Not much, really. Ever since your dad left, she’s become a recluse. Although before then, she still was rather shy. One of her cousins is my mum’s friend, but no amount of invites could get Gillian McFarland to join in.”

“Aye, my mum has always been shy. She preferred staying home to take care of me, my brother, and my father. Us three males were her entire world. I know that might seem strange to you, but she was happy. Then my father left and everything changed.”

Faye took his hand in hers. “Tell me.”

His parents’ history wasn’t one he liked to talk about. Drawing on the warmth and softness of her skin against his, he continued, “My parents weren’t true mates, but growing up, I never thought much about it. After all, about a third of clan matings don’t occur between true mates. My parents cared for each other and suited one another too. When I left to move into my own place and then my brother, Chase, soon followed suit, my mother focused everything on my dad. She had few friends and to be honest, I think my dad loved being the sole focus of her attentions.

“Then my dad decided to leave the clan with the other traitors, and for the first time in her life, my mum was alone.”

“But she had you and your brother,” Faye said softly.

“Aye, but with me becoming head Protector and my brother finishing up his electrician apprenticeship, neither one of us could stay home as much as she needed. Not even my mum’s cousin could make her smile, and she always could do so in the past.

“However, when my mum was just starting to make trips outside of the cottage again, news of my dad’s recent capture raced through the clan. According to my brother, when word reached Mum, she locked herself up again.”

Grant still felt guilty over not being there enough for his mother. If not for the entire clan’s safety being his top priority, he would’ve found more time for her. Or, so he believed.

His beast chimed in. You won’t say it but I will—she didn’t want help. Only when she’s ready can we help her.

Well, maybe with the MacKenzies’ influence, we can help her heal. Lorna isn’t someone to take lightly.

His dragon sniffed. Aunt Lorna can’t control me.

Faye prevented Grant from replying to his beast. “Then I hope your offer to lead the Protectors together still stands. You’ll have more time to spend with your mother if I take on some of the work.”

“Aye, I meant what I said earlier when I asked you to lead with me. Provided I can fly and regain all of my strength, it should work out perfectly. If I can’t, then we’ll have to rethink the arrangement. There needs to be at least one physically fit Protector in charge of everyone.”

Some dragon-shifters would’ve taken his honesty as a barb, but Faye merely nodded in understanding. “I agree. But we’re going to do everything we can to get you back into the skies. Don’t even think of trying to push me away, McFarland.”

“Why the surname, lass? I have no intention of pushing you away. Since you only call me that when you’re scolding me, you should save it for the right circumstances.”

Faye raised her brows. “Oh, I’m sure I’ll have a few worthy opportunities in the future.”

“And you’ll be the innocent one until the end of time?” he drawled.

Faye grinned. “I’m glad you understand that now.”

Grant chuckled. “Remind me to ask your mum for some true stories of your childhood. While we went to school together, I’m sure there are plenty of tales about you misbehaving that I don’t know about.”

She stuck out her tongue and said, “Then I’ll just have to wheedle stories out of your mother, too.”

As they smiled at one another, Grant couldn’t remember a time when he’d been so at ease with another person. Between Faye’s charm and strength, he was already starting to fall for her.

His beast perked up at that. How

? We haven’t even kissed her.

Sometimes you don’t need a kiss to care for someone. Not that I don’t want to do much more than kiss Faye MacKenzie.

Before his dragon could reply, there was a knock at the door. Faye shouted, “Come in.”

The door opened to reveal Lorna MacKenzie with his mum at her side.
