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Either she was a good actress or the AMT had done a good job of making her believe that her fire was truly gone.

Threats and intimidation were going to get him nowhere. Hell, she’d grown used to them as part of her training and reconditioning. If he wanted the truth, he’d have to think of a clever way to trick her when she least expected it. But now wasn’t the time.

No, right now, he needed to get the Melini sisters together and ask about their uncle.

He leaned in and said, “You’ll tell me the truth eventually.” He dropped his arms from the wall, no longer caging Kiarra. “But in the meantime, we’re going downstairs to talk with your sister. She’s waiting for us now.”

If Kiarra was confused about the topic change, she didn’t show it. “I’m in desperate need of a shower. And I’m not going anywhere with you until you calm down and start making sense.” Kiarra slipped to the side and headed toward the bathroom.

Jaxton’s arm shot out and he grabbed her wrist. “This can’t wait. The longer we stay here, the more dangerous it becomes. Do you want the AMT to catch you?” Kiarra pulled her arm, but his grip was firm. “This is your last chance to come willingly.” He gave a tug, careful not to hurt her. “Either way, you’re going downstairs with me.”

What Kiarra did next was unexpected—she dropped down and sat cross-legged on the floor. “Somebody needs to teach you some manners. You can’t just bully me into doing whatever you want. I will go downstairs after my shower.”

Kiarra knew she was being childish, sitting on the floor like a toddler, but something had stoked Jaxton’s temper and he wouldn’t listen to anything she said.

Why was he so convinced that she was lying?

She raised an eyebrow at Jaxton. “I can do this all day.”

“Pet, I only spend the day in a woman’s bedroom if she invites me to do more than hold hands, and somehow, I don’t think that’s the case here.”

Kiarra’s skin flushed at the impl

ication of his words. But before she could get her voice working again, Jaxton grabbed her other arm and pulled her upright. A second later, he tossed her over his shoulder.

She squealed before the air was knocked out of her. “You’ve crossed the line from unreasonable to insane.”

“I gave you fair warning, and you ignored it.” Jaxton patted her ass. “I can be immature too. If you want down, use your fire. Otherwise, enjoy the ride.”

“I already told you, I don’t have any magic. If I did, you’d be toast by now.”

“Then this is a missed opportunity because right now, I give you permission to set my arse on fire.”

Kiarra made a noise at the back of her throat. “‘Fucking asshole’ isn’t strong enough to describe your behavior.”

Jaxton patted her ass again before he started walking. As annoyed as she was, she still felt the searing heat of his hand through her clothes. Kiarra fisted Jaxton’s shirt and forced herself to ignore it. She needed to find a way to get down.

With each step Jaxton took, Kiarra felt his shoulder blade jab into her stomach. She snaked an arm behind her and tried to grab Jaxton’s throat. But Jaxton caught her hand, and twisted it behind her. The hand on her ass moved to hold it in place. Shit.

Next she tried kicking him with her knee, but his torso was like a wall, covered in muscle, and Jaxton acted like he didn’t feel a thing. He then jostled her like a sack of potatoes.

“If that’s all you’ve got,” he said, with another jostle, “you clearly haven’t been paying attention to my lessons.”

“Just be glad I can’t gather elemental fire right now, or you wouldn’t be sitting comfortably for weeks.”

Jaxton entered the front room, and Kiarra saw Marco sitting in a chair, off to the side. Marco grinned and said, “Are we in for some X-rated action?”

Kiarra glared and Marco laughed. She heard Cam’s voice say, “The only X you need to be worried about is an x-ray. Leave my sister alone, you skeevy man-child.”

“Stop fighting it, Camilla. Your words are your armor, but I know you secretly lust after me.”

Cam growled before Jaxton’s voice rumbled against Kiarra’s belly. “Enough.” He tossed Kiarra on the couch next to Cam. “On Neena’s orders, we have DEFEND-related things to discuss.”

Cam focused back on cleaning her nails with a knife and said, “Jaxton, this is your warning. Treat my sister with more respect in the future or I’ll be forced to use my knife on a tender part of your anatomy.”

Kiarra smiled and tried not to gloat. Cam was on her side, no questions asked; maybe they would have a sisterly relationship one day.

Jaxton crossed his arms over his chest and looked down at Kiarra and Cam on the couch. “At Neena’s request, you two need to tell me about your uncle.”
