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Ellen pulled back, keeping her hands on Kiarra’s arms. “And call me Ellen, Mum, Ellie, or anything you like that doesn’t make me sound a thousand years old.”

Kiarra smiled. “Ellen, then.”

“Right,” Ellen said before situating herself between Jaxton and Kiarra and looping an arm around each of their waists. “Let’s have some tea and I’ll bring out photos of Jax as a lad.” When Jaxton made a sound to interrupt, Ellen shushed him. “I’ve been waiting a long time for this day, Jaxton Oliver Ward, so don’t you dare deny me this opportunity.”

Kiarra leaned forward and saw the resigned look on Jaxton’s face and couldn’t help but grin. Ellen Ward was fantastic.

As they made their way up the walkway, Kiarra felt another link tethering her to her past shatter. Even though her future might be uncertain, her gut told her that the Ward family was her family now too, and she never had to worry about being alone ever again.

Thank you for reading!

Dear Reader:

I hope you enjoyed Kiarra and Jaxton’s story. While the next book will focus on Cam and Marco, keep an eye out for Kiarra and Jaxton. They’ll be back, along with a lot of the other characters in future books. I love it when authors show us how our favorite characters are doing later on, and I plan to do the same.

This is my debut novel, and I’m grateful for all of the wonderful feedback and honest reviews I’ve received from readers like you. I’m always curious to hear what you think—both good and bad. You can email me at [email protected] or find me on Twitter @jessiedauthor. I really do read every email/tweet I receive, and I try to reply when I can! If you want to receive exclusive content (deleted scenes, short stories, etc.) and updates, you can sign up for my monthly newsletter. I also have an AMT Reader Group on Facebook.

And finally, I need to ask you a favor. Reviews can be tough to come by these days. You, the reader, have the power to make or break a book, and I’m asking for your help. If you have the time, could you leave an honest review?

Thank you for spending time with my characters. I hope you return to the world of the Feiru in Frozen Desires, and continue to follow the journey of Neena, DEFEND, and all of the rest. Make sure to turn the page for an excerpt.

With Gratitude,

Jessie Donovan

The story continues with Cam and Marco…Excerpt from Frozen Desires (AMT#2)

Chapter One

“In 1953, the first-born children of Feiru (FEY-roo) mothers were deemed dangerous by the Feiru High Council. Because these first-born children have the ability to control fire, earth, water, or wind, the council passed a law requiring them to be imprisoned at the age of magical maturity. The council’s aim was to keep the Feiru secret of elemental magic from humans…One of DEFEND’s primary goals is to dismantle the Asylums for Magical Threats’ prison system and to integrate elemental magic users back into our society.”

—Excerpt from DEFEND Rules and Regulations

After what had happened four years ago, Camilla Melini had never expected to be back in Merida, Mexico.

But DEFEND had sent her here to find one of the Four Talents—legendary elemental magic users who could both heal and destroy—and she wasn’t about to let memories of that day ruin her chances of success. As long as she kept her eyes open, and was careful, she should be able to get in and out of Merida before anyone from her old life could find her.

And if they did, well, she had a few extra tricks up her sleeves these days that she could use to try to defeat them.

Cam looked over at Zalika, one of two people that made up her team, and asked, “Are we finally on the right street?”

Zalika offered Cam the map in her hands. “You try reading a map in Spanish and see how far you get.”

“All I care about is reaching our contact’s shop. The sooner we get there, the sooner I can take off this stupid straw thing on my head.”

Zalika smiled. “But since the real Cam would never be caught dead in that hat, it’s a good disguise.”

“I’d rather take my chances if it means I can see properly.”

Zalika laughed as they turned the corner. “Jacek is watching our backs, and he’ll let us know if he sees anything suspicious.”

Jacek was the other half of Cam’s team. “He’s a good enough lookout, but that’s not what I’m worried about.”

“You haven’t seen your asshole ex or any of the other psychos from your past, have you?”

“No, but that doesn’t mean they’re not here.”

Zalika nodded to the right. “Well, there’s the stall. If everything goes to plan, then we should be out of Merida by this evening, and you’ll have one less thing to worry about.”
