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She watched as Cam and Marco flushed out the building, and the Fed League members started to flee into the streets. Due to the roadblocks and other DEFEND soldiers, the few who managed to escape were heading her way. When they were close enough, she fired one tranquilizer round, and then another, until she had four unconscious people down on the street.

She kept her mind in the zone until she heard Jorge whisper, “That’s it. It’s over.”

She moved away from the rifle and sat back on her legs. As she rotated her shoulders, Jorge took her chin in hand and lowered his face to kiss her. “The mission’s over. Does that mean I get sex now?”

She laughed, and any remaining tension she’d had from the operation eased. “I guess men really do only have one thing on their minds.”

Jorge grinned and pulled her flush up against him. “I can’t help it. Seeing you at that rifle, damn, Sabrina, you were sexy as hell.”

“I had to show you that I don’t need a strong, muscled Feiru boyfriend to take care of me. But...”


She traced a finger along his collarbone and she could feel his body lean into her at the touch. “Cam and Marco will be busy tying things up for the next hour or so. If you can find a private room before then, I’ll let you cash in that rain check and you can take care of me any way you wish.”

He gave her a quick, rough kiss and tugged on her lower lip with his teeth before he released it and said, “I know o

f at least four places within walking distance.”

She shook her head. “Well, at least you always have an escape route.”

He stood up and tugged her to her feet. “Yeah, yeah, tease me later. The clock’s ticking and I plan on taking you at least three times before I check in with Marco Alvarez and company. Now, grab your gun and let’s go.”

She smiled, quickly disassembled her gun, and put it in the case before she followed him down the ladder on the side of the building and down the street.

As they walked hand-in-hand down the street, she couldn’t help thinking that just a few months ago, she never would’ve imagined being free not only to be herself, but to have someone love her true self in return.

It might be silly, but after so many years of loneliness, she yearned—no, needed—to hear the words again. Sabrina squeezed Jorge’s hand and said, “I love you.”

He looked down at her with a smile, tugged her to the side of the nearest building, and leaned his body against hers. His gaze was a mixture of hunger and tenderness, much like the man Jorge Salazar was slowly becoming.

When he spoke, she could feel his hot breath on her cheek. “I might’ve been flippant up on the roof, but I meant what I said. Without you, I would be lost, bitter, and maybe even dead. I’m going to prove to you every day that I’m worth your love. I never want to let you go, Sabrina, or I might become lost again. I love you.”

She knew it was silly, but she couldn’t help but blink back tears at his words. She raised her free hand to his face. “I’d be lost without you too, Jorge. Kiss me to remind me I won’t be alone again.”

He kissed her tenderly at first, before growing rough and demanding. The feel of Jorge surrounding her, his taste in her mouth, and the knowledge of his love reassured her that she wasn’t alone, and if she had any say in it all, she never would be again.

Dear Reader:

Thank you for reading Shadow of Temptation! I hope you enjoyed Sabrina and Jorge’s story. While the next full-length book will focus on Petra and Will, keep an eye out for the Sabrina and Jorge. They’ll be back, along with a lot of the other characters in future books.

Would you like to know when my next book is available? (And receive exclusive goodies and information too?) You can sign up for my newsletter at You can also get updates by following me on Twitter @jessiedauthor or by liking my Facebook page at If you have a question, you can always email me at [email protected]

And finally, I need to ask you a favor. Word-of-mouth is crucial for any author to succeed. If you enjoyed this book, please consider leaving a review. Even if it's only a line or two, it would be a huge help!

Thank you for spending time with my characters. I hope you return to the world of the Feiru in Will and Petra’s book (AMT#3, Early 2015). While waiting for the next AMT book, you can check out Convincing the Cougar, the first story in my erotic shifter series. Make sure to turn the page for a short excerpt.

With Gratitude,

Jessie Donovan

Read an excerpt from Convincing the Cougar (Cascade Shifters #0.5)

Chapter One

Kian Murray, the alpha cougar leader of Clan DarkStalker, sat on a rock in his human form and stared out at the deep valley in front of him. Every inch of the surrounding thick forests and rugged mountains, the roaring waterfalls and dick-shriveling icy lakes, the best spots to hunt game or where to lounge in the warmth of the sun—after a quick fuck in the woods with his mate—were as natural to him as breathing. He couldn’t imagine living anywhere else but here, in the Cascade Mountains of Washington State.

But this week, in the best interests of his clan, he was going to give it all up.
