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Will broke the silence. “So, what’s the plan?”

Chapter Eight

Six hours and another helicopter change later, Petra peered out of her window to watch the landscape as they passed over it.

Unlike Will, she loved heights. Looking at the ground from this height made her feel as if she were a bird. All of the tiny houses and buildings below contained normal people living their normal lives. At one point, she’d scoffed at ever becoming boring. However, after the last two years, she would kill to wake up in a house with two-point-four kids and a dog.

Okay, maybe not the kids just yet. But she could do without constantly looking over her shoulder.

Not that it would happen anytime soon. She had this current mission to finish, Will to deal with, and she still had to figure out a solution about what to do with Sean Reilly.

Since the latter two problems would have to wait, Petra focused on rescuing the elemental earth user.

They would arrive in Hong Kong shortly and land on the private helipad owned by a DEFEND supporter. While the AMT research facility had moved E-1655, she was still in Hong Kong in a unique facility, according to Kiarra and Jaxton.

Keeping the elemental earth user in the city seemed like a stupid idea to Petra. But, hey, the AMT didn’t always make the best decisions, despite their public image of running a squeaky clean and efficient operation.

On the other hand, as she surveyed the others inside the flying vehicle, Petra was starting to admire some of DEFEND’s tactics and planning. Jaxton Ward’s plan was as detailed as she would’ve done. And while Neena Chatterjee might be a little bit crazy, Petra liked her “I don’t give a fuck” attitude. Petra wished more people were as open. The world would have far fewer secrets.

An arm bumped against hers, bringing her out of her head. Petra forced her face into a neutral expression before meeting Will’s eyes. He’d muscled his way into sitting next to her at the helicopter transfer.

Staring into his chocolate brown gaze, she ignored the heat radiating off his body as well as his familiar masculine scent. For hours, both had been bringing back memories of her past. Such as the way he’d tease and needle her until Petra got angry. Then he’d put on his brown puppy dog eyes until Petra would sigh with a smile. A few brushes of his fingers, and she’d even jump into his arms.

Will had always pushed her buttons, but he’d also been able to make her melt in the next second. She missed the comfort they’d once shared as well as the trust she’d never experienced with another.

Only with Will had she ever felt safe enough to lie naked with her back to him.

Petra resisted clearing her throat. No matter how much she pretended she didn’t want her old life again, there was a longing buried deep within her heart for exactly that.

Will poked her arm. Not willing to acknowledge the sizzle at his touch, she concentrated on his words. “As much as I don’t like my newfound ability, I just wanted to let you know that if you get hurt, I’ll heal you.”

She raised an eyebrow. “Considering the depths of your hatred for magic, that’s a pretty big offer.”

Will grunted. “I’m being serious, Leyna.”

“Call me Petra. Leyna died two years ago.”

He hesitated before brushing her cheek. “You’ll always be Leyna to me.”

The light touch of his fingers sent a jolt of electricity racing through her body. Damn, she’d missed his warm, rough fingers.

She resisted leaning into him. Her voice was strained to her own ears. “Then you’re going to be sorely disappointed, Will. Even without danger looming over my head, I can’t go back to being that version of myself. I’ve done and seen too much. Besides, even if it were possible, I would probably get bored.”

He stroked her skin some more. “I find it hard to believe your love of science disappeared with the identity change.”

“My scientific ability is what landed me in this mess in the first place.”

His fingers stilled. “I thought it was because of your brother.”

She darted a quick glance toward Kiarra, Jaxton, and Millie sitting in the seats on the opposite side of the bay, but their heads were together planning. Gio had also been handed over to another DEFEND party when they’d changed helicopters. The pilot and co-pilot were focused on flying the helicopter.

Seizing the semi-privacy, Petra murmured, “It was both.”

He tilted his head. “Then why can’t you be a scientific genius who just also happens to be a badass?”

“Yes, because butt-kicking scientists are handy,” she drawled.

The corner of his mouth ticked up. “They can be. Besides, you have field experience most scientists don’t. If you decided to put all of your knowledge to good use, you’d become quite the force to be reckoned with.”
