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Jumping to her feet, she ran up to where Millie was flipping the guy over. Petra murmured, “Thanks.”

Millie winked. “No problem. I love tying up big, buff guys. Now, go. A woman’s life depends on us.”

With a nod, Petra ran to the ladder and jumped up. She climbed it quickly, as if fire were creeping upward, under her feet. She made it to the drawbridge platform just as the guard came out carrying an unconscious woman wearing a hospital gown.

He met her eyes and moved so that he held the woman over the side. “Step any closer and I’ll drop her.”

Since the drawbridge was at least thirty feet above the grass, the magic user would most likely die if she fell.

Petra stood her ground. Maybe reason would work with the guard. “There’s no way for you to escape. If you go back into the structure, you’ll cook. If you jump, you’ll probably break your neck. And I’m blocking the exit. But if you surrender, I can at least ensure you’ll live.”

The guard’s gaze flicked behind her and back. “You’re wrong.”

Petra opened her mouth but the guard charged. She half-expected him to toss the magic user off the bridge. Instead, he tossed her at Petra. She caught the slight woman, but lost her balance.

Unable to regain her footing, Petra made a split-second decision. She used every muscle in her body to toss the woman back onto the bridge. The action caused Petra to push back and fall over the side.

As she fell, Will’s face flashed before her eyes. Petra’s only regret was not telling Will she still loved him.

The regret didn’t last long. Her leg bashed against the smaller platform below and pain shot through her body. She barely had time to scream before the world went black.

Chapter Ten

Will crept up toward the battle scene bit by bit until he was only a few feet from the tree line. He barely had time to stare in wonder at the giant column of flame before the figures on the drawbridge above caught his eye.

Leyna stood about eight feet away from a man carrying an unconscious person.

Even knowing Leyna could more than take care of herself, his heart beat double-time. He should be up there, helping her.

And yet, he was stuck hiding in the forest. Clenching his fingers, Will decided he would do whatever it took to be able to fight at Leyna’s side in the future. He’d thought he’d failed her two years ago. He never wanted to experience that feeling again.

In the next beat, the man above rushed and tossed his burden at Leyna. While it had to be less than a second, Leyna stumbling and finally tossing the woman onto the bridge played out in slow motion.

Then he watched Leyna fall.

Not caring about his life or Jaxton’s bloody plan, he rushed out of the trees. Leyna’s leg smacked against the lower platform and she screamed.

He pumped his legs harder.

But no matter how fast he ran, Will would never be able to catch her.

Right before Leyna made contact with the ground, a cyclone of fire appeared under her body. While the force of the spin didn’t stop her descent and Leyna crashed to the ground, it might have just slowed her down enough to save her life.

He reached her side. A quick check revealed a bone sticking out of her lower leg. Since fixing her leg would mean nothing if she were dead, Will placed two fingers at her carotid artery. While faint, Leyna still had a pulse.

Quickly checking her head, there was a blow at the back and a lot of blood. It was entirely possible the wound could kill her.

If he didn’t do something, his Leyna could die.

Placing his hands on her head, Will closed his eyes. Each beat of her heart was a tap against his skin. He imagined the bone reknitting in her skull, any swelling going down, and all hemorrhaging ceasing.

Over and over he imagined her brain whole, pink, and free of any bruising or bleeding. He was concentrating so deeply that it took him a second to realize Leyna’s heart had stopped beating. Opening his eyes, he barely noticed the faint glow around Leyna’s body. Moving his hands to her heart, he pressed against her chest to begin CPR. All the while, he switched the image in his head to one of a steadily beating heart.

Leyna’s torso jolted with some unseen force and then again. Will moved to breathe air into her lungs when a faint thumping reverberated throughout his body.

Checking her pulse, Leyna’s heart beat again.

Will barely had time to acknowledge the relief that coursed through his body. His eyes were heavy, drooping from exhaustion. However, he tried to concentrate again. Even if he burned out from overusing his magic, it would be worth it if Leyna lived.
