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Placing his hands on her shoulders, he gently kneaded. “Forget about the bloody competition for a second. After months of sequencing individuals inside DEFEND and compiling the data, the computer algorithm was finally able to pinpoint the genome sequence in those with latent abilities.” He tapped the screen. “That’s it.”

The blinking line consisted of a mixture of the letters A, C, G, and T, which spelled out the unique code of instructions used inside every cell.

Petra placed one of her hands over his on her shoulder and squeezed. “I think you missed the other half of the big news on the screen. Look at the list of subjects positive for that sequence.”

Will glanced over to the right. Several of those with latent abilities, including himself, were listed. Then he spotted a specific name and frowned. “Your brother.”

“I wonder why he hasn’t displayed any sort of special power yet. Considering he’s around Kiarra and Yana often enough, the proximity to two Talents should bring it out.”

Will grunted. “It’s more likely he’s hiding it from us. I know he’s your brother, but there’s a reason Jaxton hasn’t let him out of the training sessions yet to help Millie gather information on the Collector—Dom hasn’t earned anyone’s trust yet.”

Petra sighed. “Can we discuss Dom and his issues later? After all, we just made a pretty damn big discovery, even if we haven’t managed to complete our research on the first-borns and their elemental magic.” She slid from the chair and moved to lean against Will’s chest. “But before we share the news and Neena makes us test every known member of DEFEND, I think you need to pay up.”

Will wrapped his arms around Petra’s waist. “I’m not so sure about that. After all, you only discovered part of what’s needed to win the bet. Not only do we still need to identify the exact sequence for first-borns, we also need to figure out what to do with the identified sequences. Waving around a piece of paper at the Collector’s coerced army isn’t going to stop them or suspend their abilities.”

“Give it some time. Neena has provided us with resources beyond our wildest dreams.”

“Only because she uses her foresight on the stock market,” Will grumbled.

She lightly slapped his chest. “Can you stop being grumpy and just humor me? We’ve earned the right to celebrate this discovery before being bogged down with even more work.”

He hugged Petra tighter against him. “I’m just being honest.”

Her gaze turned mischievous as she moved a hand to the back of his neck and lightly brushed his nape with her fingers. The light touch sent a rush of heat through his body, straight to his cock. It took everything he had not to clear the desk of the computer equipment with one swoop and take Petra right then and there.

Her warm breath tickled his chin as she murmured, “I love your honesty.” She kissed his jaw. “But right now, I still say I won the bet and want to collect.” She nibbled his earlobe. “What do you say?”

“We can debate whether you’ve won or not later.”

“Will, I won—”

“We can play out your fantasy later. Right now, I need you.”


; Will lowered his head and kissed her.


Petra barely had time to open her mouth before Will claimed her lips. At his heady taste, she moaned and Will possessively gripped her ass cheeks. As he rocked her body against his erection, Petra pushed against his chest and gasped. “Take off your clothes. Now.”

He nipped her neck and licked the sting with his tongue. “Such a demanding creature.”

Not waiting for permission, she ripped open his shirt, the buttons flying every which way. At Will’s sound of protest, she said, “That’s why we have spares in the closet.”

Shrugging out of his shirt, Will moved his hands to his pants. “Unless you want me to rip your clothes off, because I will, then get undressed.”

Petra didn’t waste time tearing off her shirt and wiggling out of her skirt.

Stepping out of the skirt, she couldn’t help but smile. She had started wearing them most of the time because of easy access.

Will’s warm hands at her shoulders, slipping off her bra straps, brought her back to the present. After sliding them off, he reached around and unhooked her bra without trouble. The bra fell to the ground and Will waggled his eyebrows. Petra laughed. “You’re so proud of that skill.”

Cupping her breasts with his hands, he gently squeezed. “Because it gives me access to your beautiful breasts.”

He rubbed his palms against her nipples and a gentle warmth transferred from his skin to hers. The dull green glow told her the reason. “Again, Will.” The light flared and a jolt travelled through her body. Will’s primary power was healing, but he also had the ability to warm up a body. “I love your hands.”

Releasing one breast, he lowered his head and murmured, “Good. I plan to do it often.”
