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No, he hadn’t, I realized with a little deflation. But that could come in time, right? Especially once we were in our dream house and starting the life we’d talked about for years.

Or, maybe, not everyone can find the kind of love London had. I mean, they were connected on a level that can’t be denied—everyone here could see it. The way he gravitated toward her without any conscious effort, the way she reached back for him even though she hadn’t turned to see who was behind her. That kind of connection had to be rare, right? Not everyone got the never-ending passion, supernatural type love.

Caspian had thrown that little fact in my face not minutes ago, and I’d be lying if I said it hadn’t triggered my angry reaction. Because of course, I wanted that. Who wouldn’t? But Chuck? He wasn’t really the swoon and sweep me off my feet type of man.

“I’m happy for her,” Chuck said, drawing me to the present.

I smiled up at him. “You wanted to talk?” I hedged, giving him his moment to win me back. It definitely hadn’t taken him long. I needed to buy Caspian a thank you present, maybe a T-shirt that said cocky bastard on it. I chuckled to myself, unable to stop the image of him wearing such a shirt from popping in my mind. I mean, he’d definitely wear it well. And it wasn’t like he didn’t have a reason to be cocky. Beyond his looks, he was right in this instance. It’d only been one fake date, and here Chuck was, ready to make amends—

“Yes, I wanted to discuss options in canceling the contract on the build.”

A bucket of ice-cold water doused my skin. I blinked a few times, repeating the words in my head. “I’m sorry?” I asked, even though I knew I’d heard him right.

Chuck shifted his weight, clearly uncomfortable with the conversation. “I’d like to go over the steps of canceling the contract on the house build,” he repeated, tugging at the collar of his dress shirt like it was suddenly hard to breathe. “I’d really like to get my half of the deposit back.”

Mortification slipped over me like an oily grime, and I closed my eyes for a moment. My heart sank to the pit of my stomach. He wanted his money back? That’s why he wanted to talk? Not to…to…

Ohmigod, I’m an idiot. I thought he’d pulled me aside to win me back. Who the hell do I think I am?

I opened my eyes, looking up at him with confusion.

“It’s a lot of money,” he continued.

“I know how much money it is,” I said, hurt lacing my tone. “I used my inheritance from my father’s death for my half, remember?” All of it. I’d used every dime he’d saved for me and put it toward a future I knew he’d be proud of.

Chuck flinched, but took a steady breath. “I know,” he said, raising his hands like he was trying to placate me as if I was going to make a scene.

That hurt more than it should, and I took in a slow breath to calm the anger and pain rising in my chest. “Chuck,” I said, and blew out that breath. “You don’t really want this.” I took a step closer to him. “I know you. You’ve talked about this dream house for years. You basically had a five-year plan for our life together. I understand you’re scared but—”

“I’m not scared, Ryleigh,” he cut me off, his voice rising to a degree that made me flinch. He had a temper, not that he’d ever hurt me, but I always knew how to dodge it whenever we got in a fight. He was the worst to fight with, never seeing anyone else’s side but his own and always believing he’s right. The best strategy was to avoid debates with him altogether. “People change,” he continued. “Plans change. I needed space.”

“Space,” I repeated, shaking my head.

“Yeah!” he snapped, and I took a few steps away from him. Everyone was looking at us now.

Perfect, another serving of mortification, anyone?

“And can you stop torturing me by putting it off?” he continued, and I gaped at him. “I get you want to hurt me back, but dragging this on is childish. I mean, look who you came with. There is no way you two are a thing. You’re doing this to get revenge, and it’s petty.”

Each word hit its target, my heart recoiling from the insults. “Fuck,” I whispered, desperately trying to clamber for control.

I felt Caspian before I saw him—his massive body practically blocking out the light in the small alcove as he came near. I flicked my eyes up to his, my breath catching in my chest at the genuine concern there—especially after I’d totally lost it on him minutes ago—and the no-flinching anger he directed toward Chuck.
