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He laughed. “Yeah, but I figured it was polite to ask.”

“That’s because you’re growing a vagina. Vaginas are much politer than dicks.”

“Yeah, that’s what your mom told me last night.”

“That’s funny, your mom didn’t say much of anything last time I saw her. Then again her mouth was pretty full, so talking was probably not an option.”

He reached for my ‘empty’ beer can to throw at me, and when he went to he paused, narrowing his eyes. “You’ve been drinking this for the past four hours and it’s still full.”


He went to sniff the can and gasped. “FOUL PLAY! Brooks has been spitting his shots into his beer can!” The twins gasped just as he did and started chanting with one another.


The louder they grew the louder the storm screamed. The waters were growing more and more wild as the storm grew bigger and louder. Rougher.

“Don’t worry!” Rudolph stumbled with Nicole wrapped in his arms. “We still got another bottle of Fireball over here,” he shouted. As he moved closer to my direction, I saw him tipping a little too much to the edge. Jumping up from my seat, I asked Calvin to take the wheel and rushed over to my drunken friend.

“Whoa there, Rudolph, careful! A little too close to the edge.”

Rudolph snickered and pinched my cheek. “You’re such a sweet vagina, Brooks Griffin.”

I laughed out loud, soaking wet. “That’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.”

“That’s just because America’s Sweetheart Maggie May doesn’t speak. If she did, she’d say some poetic shit, I bet.” He paused, and his eyes grew wide. “FOUL PLAY! I mentioned a girl. I need a shot! FIREBALL!” He launched toward the bottle of Fireball, and as he moved the boat rocked. His body bent over, causing him to hang from the edge of the boat. I gripped him tight, pushing him back toward the boat. As I shoved him to safety, the storm knocked our boat sideways, making me stumble over my own feet.

“Shit!” I hollered before hitting the heavy waves. The water was ice-cold as I fell under.

“Brooks!” my friends yelled, hurrying over to the edge of the boat and tossing me the life preserver ring.

“It’s not an official trip until someone falls into the water, right?” I shouted, laughing as my arms wrapped around the ring. The guys chuckled with me and started pulling me in, until there wasn’t a reason to laugh anymore.

I grew closer to the boat, and pain shot through me. “Fuck!”

It happened in a flash, in a rushed moment.

The boating propeller struck my right side.

In point-one-second laughter transformed into horror.

In point-one-second my life shifted as I began to drown.

Blood. I couldn’t see it, but I knew I hurt too much to not be sliced open.

The pain shot up my right side.

My breaths were sharp; my mind was blurred.

Drowning. I splashed for help while I swallowed water.

My right hand swung over to grip my side. Shit. Again.

The propeller struck me again.

Panic. My hand. My shoulder. My neck.

My life...
