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“Cassie gave me some kind of moisturizing lotion—along with a lengthy lecture about taking better care of my skin. It isn’t as bad as it looks. I just got careless, I guess.”

She made a face. “I can burn just walking from the car to the house. I have to slather on sunscreen every day.”

Mimicking her gesture, he slid his hand across her cheek, his gaze following the movement. “You have such fair skin. It’s lovely.”

She’d have thought she’d be getting more accustomed to him by now, but every touch, every shared glance still felt so new. So exhilarating.

Considering they had acknowledged their mutual attraction only the day before, and that she still wasn’t sure Paul was interested in anything more than a fling, she wasn’t sure it was at all wise to be falling this hard for him. She would prefer to keep her well-guarded heart unbroken, whatever happened with Paul.

“You look so serious all of a sudden.” The way he studied her face made her wonder just how long she’d been standing there gazing up at him.

She forced a smile. “Sorry. A lot on my mind, I guess.”

His thumb slid slowly across her lower lip. His gaze followed the movement. “I don’t mean to add to your stress level. I’d much rather you see me as someone to relax and have some fun with.”

Tempting words. She had no doubt that she and Paul could have quite a bit of fun together.

“I’d like that,” she said.

His mouth was very close to hers when he murmured, “So would I.”

He seemed to be leaving the next move up to her, and she appreciated that. And because she liked him so very much, she made that move, leaning into him and lifting her face to his.

His mouth closed over hers, eagerly but not hurriedly. He took his time with that first kiss—almost as if relishing every second of anticipation. Her eyelids drifted close, allowing her to savor the feel, the taste, the fresh-showered scent of him. She had noted his strength when he’d lifted her down from the stepladder two days ago. Being pressed full-length against him, she felt again the well-developed muscles that testified to his active lifestyle. Despite their height difference, they fit together quite well, with her tucked snugly into his arms, him wrapped warmly around her.

Standing on tiptoe, she slid her arms around his neck. The kiss deepened as he slipped his tongue between her welcoming lips for a more intimate exploration. Her heart raced and every inch of her body felt tight, tingly. For a first kiss from this sexy schoolteacher, she would grade this one an A plus.

“I’ve wanted to do that since I picked you up off the floor that first day at the inn,” Paul confessed with a slightly unsteady grin.

“You did manage to knock me off my feet the first time we met,” she murmured and pressed another quick kiss to his smiling lips.

Somewhat reluctantly, she allowed her arms to drop from around his neck, automatically smoothing the raised hem of her top over her skirt. “As much as I hate to leave, I really do have to get back to work.”

“I wish you could stay longer, but I understand. I’ll see you tomorrow?”

“Absolutely. I have some things to do in the morning, but I’m free after noon. I’ve made arrangements for Rhoda and Kinley to take over some of my duties so I can have a day off.”

“So what would you like to do on your day off? Playtime or pampering? Jeans or dress up?”

She didn’t even have to think about her answer. “Play,” she said. “I’ve been busy indoors cooking and cleaning and hosting for the past few weeks. Unless you’ve had enough outdoor fun lately?”

He grinned, and his still-reddened nose crinkled appealingly. “You should know by now that I’m going to head outside any chance I get.”

“I’m getting that idea.”

“Who do you think suggested Cassie have an outdoor wedding?”

“So you get the blame if it rains.”

“Oh, no, we’ll still blame you for that,” he assured her, tongue in cheek.

Feigning indignation, she shook a finger at him. “Oh, thanks so much.”

“Just kidding,” he assured her, laughing. “I have a buddy who owns a trail-ride operation about an hour’s drive from the inn. He offers buggy rides, too. Do either of those things appeal to you?”

“I would love to go on a trail ride,” she said eagerly. “Kinley and I used to take rides with friends in the Smoky Mountains when we lived in Tennessee, but I haven’t been on horseback since we moved to Virginia. I’ve missed it.”

There were so many things she hadn’t taken time to do while she’d been busy with the inn, she thought with a slight shake of her head. It was definitely time to remedy that.
