Page 39 of Wish for Love

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He shook his head. “No, I have some work to finish at my studio.”

Leah sighed. “Thanks for hanging out with me.”

His expression softened. “No problem, Leah. I’ll get back with you when the photos are done.”

Cole didn’t stick around for further conversation. He slid into the driver’s seat, started the engine, and pulled his truck off the lot.

“Want a snack?” Seth asked.

Leah rubbed her forearms. “Yeah, sure.”

“Be right back.”

She scratched at her temple. She breathed like a sea at rest, but she couldn’t deny the pull to run after Cole. She saw the blaze in his eyes as he stared at her. What surprised her more was her own reaction. She wrung her sweaty palms together. It wasn’t as if they’d kissed. His eyes fixed on hers made her heart skitter.

“Popcorn?” Seth offered. “I also brought you something to drink.”

Leah lifted her chin, attempting to look confident. “Yes, thank you.”

She grabbed a handful, though the salty treat did nothing for her dry mouth. Her nerve endings stirred and tingled as they settled in the back of his truck. Tucking in her upper lip, she weighed her options, but her pros and cons list only made her chest tighten. She was off the market and still somewhat fragile from her breakup. New feelings for another man were out of the question.

Could she get involved with Cole? She had to forget it. It was absurd to fathom it. He saw her as a friend and the thought of him seeing her as more made her lightheaded. Then again, what would happen if he did? She stuffed her mouth with more popcorn.

“You sure you’re okay?” Seth asked, sounding concerned.

“I’m fine.”

Her eyes focused on the screen, watching the stars Merle Oberon and Laurence Olivier wrestle with their own unconventional love for each other. Leah’s eyes bugged at the irony.

“I hope you didn’t mind Cole hanging out with you.”

She ignored the sinking feeling in her stomach. “I didn’t.”

“I think he’s worried though.”

Leah cocked her head toward Seth. “Worried?”

“I know you two were close in high school.” Seth said. “He was always protective of you, especially from me.”

She gave a half shrug. “That was Cole.”

“For a second there, I thought he had a thing for you.”

Leah coughed to dislodge a popcorn kernel. Seth patted her back.

“Are you alright?” he asked, his forehead furrowed.

Leah pressed a hand to her chest. Inhaling deeply, her body relaxed. She took a sip of her raspberry lemonade. She breathed, “I’m okay. You were saying.”

“It’s nice that he cares about you.”

“It is. So, what made you think of this place?”

“I read about it online. They’re known for playing the old classics, so I thought you would enjoy it.”

“Thanks for thinking of me.” She nudged his shoulder.

“I’ve been thinking about you a lot.”
