Page 45 of Wish for Love

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“So, do you have a plus one?”

Cole’s eyebrows shot up. “A plus one? For what?”

“The wedding.”

“I’m not an actual guest, Seth. I’m photographing the wedding.”

“First, it’s Holly. I’m sure she’s invited everyone in town. Did you check the mail today?”

Cole’s eyes diverted to the mail pile on the kitchen island. He thumbed through the letters until he spotted an ivory-colored envelope. He and his brother’s name showed in scripted text. He sighed and held up the envelope. “We got an invitation.”

“I rest my case.” His brother smiled. “If I know Holly, it will be over the top.”

“Who will you bring as a date?

“I can’t go that weekend. I have some things to take care of. If not, I would ask Leah.”

Sure, he would. “Well, no one comes to mind, so I’ll probably fly solo.”

“Suit yourself.” Seth covered his mouth to stifle a yawn. “I’m going to turn in. Goodnight.”

Cole clasped the invitation in his hand. “Yeah, goodnight.” His brow furrowed, and his eyes glanced at the ceiling as if to seek answers from above. He returned the letter to the counter and walked to his room. He sat on the bed and put his head in his hands. His attempts to leave things uncomplicated were failing.

Chapter 15

Cole figured out where everything was in Seth’s modern-day kitchen, so it was easy to find the cookware he needed to eat breakfast and cleaned up. He then loaded his camera into his bag, preparing for his next photo shoot on the books. His phone chimed, and he looked at the screen, seeing his new assistant, Bree, had sent him a reminder text.

10:16 AM… Cole: On my way

“You can tell your brother I fixed the leak in the kitchen sink,” his father said, while repacking his toolbox.

“Sure. I’ll catch you later. I have another photo shoot.”

His father cleared his throat. “I’m guessing a career change is out of the question for you.”

Cole forced a smile. “I can’t do what I love?”

“That can only take you so far. Creativity is fine but—”

“It’s not a doctor or lawyer. Right?”

“It’s more practical. I worked hard so you could have the opportunities I didn’t.”

Cole breathed through his nose and clasped his camera bag. Regardless if his father approved or not, he couldn’t show up late. “I’ll take my chances. I’ll see you later.” He didn’t stick around to listen to his father’s response. He didn’t care to hear it, anyway.


Leah drew in a long breath as she exited her car. The reflection of the nearing sunset glowed on the glass windows of Cole’s studio. She inched closer to the door. Her heart thudded though she willed herself to relax. She entered the shop and caught Cole with his camera in hand. Recognition dawned on her face at the sight of Miss. Adele and her husband, Victor, standing in front of the backdrop.

A smile tugged at Leah’s lips as the older couple embraced one another, staring into each other’s eyes. Cole captured the romantic moment on camera, pivoting to photograph all the angles. She recalled him doing the same for her own photo shoot, his precision impeccable. Cole left nothing unturned. He had a keen eye and could see the natural beauty in the world.

Leah’s eyes followed him as he snapped photos of the beloved couple. Then his eyes met hers. For a moment, she froze. Cole’s eyes glowed with affection, and then he resumed his work.

She swallowed as she moved to the corner of the room, rubbing her forearms as she waited. Like her parents, Miss. Adele and her husband had a forever love. Leah’s lower lip quivered. She touched her hand to her heart as Mr. Victor kissed his wife’s forehead.

“And we are done,” Cole said.

Miss. Adele clapped her hands. Her husband extended a hand to Cole, who returned the gesture.
