Page 72 of Wish for Love

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His mother’s eyebrows furrowed. “Why would you think that? Leah would never—”


“I’ve always felt like that, Mom. Seth was the town hero, and I was Seth Parsons’ little brother.” His breath caught. He rose from his seat. “I’m sorry, Mom.”

“Cole, I—”

He came over and kissed her cheek. “I’ll be fine. I’ll talk to you later.”

He didn’t say another word, but let the door close behind him.


“So… are you going to ask Joanna out?” Leah asked.

Craig drove her home, and now they stood on her front porch. He ran his fingers down his head. “I’m thinking about it. We’re friends and she works for me, so it feels weird to think of her as anything more.”

“But you admit that you like her?”

“Yes, I like her.”

Leah gave a half shrug. “Don’t wait too long, because I hear Clayton likes her too.”

Craig’s eyebrow shot up. “Will’s little brother?”

“He’s a nice guy. He and Joanna would make a cute couple.”

Craig rubbed at his brow. “Can’t be. Word around town is he’s been in love with Hope Phillips since kindergarten.”

“Never know.” She moseyed to the front door.

“Thank you.”

Leah twirled around to face him. “For what?”

Craig stepped closer, his hands stuffed in his pockets. “I came to Piedmont Valley to start over. After my divorce, I knew I needed a change. I didn’t expect for this town to embrace me the way it has, much less me caring about… someone.”

She gazed at him with focus. “I never knew you saw me like that.”

Craig continued. “I would see you at church, but I never felt ready to open up again. Then when you came to the gym regularly, I had to say something.” He inched closer, taking her hand in his. “Even if there’s only friendship between us, Leah, thank you for helping me see I can open up again.” He chuckled. “I might even get the courage to ask Joanna out.”

Leah pulled him in for a hug. Her heart bubbled with joy. “I’m glad I could help.”

“I’ll see you next week?”

“You will. If Joanna is not in a good mood and takes it out on our class, I’ll know you had something to do with it.”

He laughed. He took hold of her hands in his again, pressing a kiss to them. “I’ve enjoyed getting to know you, Leah Morris. The man who wins your heart is the luckiest man alive.”

Her heart melted. “Thank you.”

“And if my observations are correct, I’ve already met him.”

Leah’s mouth fell open. Craig kissed her cheek again and backed away. Her breath caught as she stood on her porch. Was it that obvious? Cole eased his way into her heart. She walked through her front door, her lips parting.

She sat on her couch and removed her light jacket. What if her plans changed? Would it be wrong to give in to her feelings for Cole? Perhaps Gemma was right. He had to have felt the same about her. Leah could still feel the heat from his stare at the table with Craig. Even Craig noticed.

Chapter 21
