Page 85 of Wish for Love

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Cole’s lips parted to answer, but his phone buzzed in his back pocket. Once he retrieved it, heat radiated through his chest at the message.

1:43 PM… Leah: Dinner tonight? I’ll cook

The words jumped off the message like crickets in the moonlight. He wanted to run a victory lap, but that would be unprofessional in front of his clients. Jeremy probably wouldn’t care, but his unusual behavior already raised questions. Cole wanted none snooping, even though he considered Jeremy a friend. Was he ready for people to ask questions? He and Leah weren’t even official yet. Yet, he answered her message.

1:45 PM… Cole: I’ll be there

He had a date with Leah. Surely pigs were flying, since he never thought this day would come. Did he really kiss her? Yes. Was he falling in love with her more and more each day? Yes. Would Seth be upset once he found out?

Dropping his chin to his chest, Cole released a shaky breath. His spirits sunk like a stone. He wanted to fade in the background as he did with objects when he manipulated photos. No Photoshop could help him now. Holding up a finger to Jeremy, he excused himself to his office.

At that moment, he contemplated calling his brother. What would he say? Seth, though back in town, wasn’t home from work yet. Could Cole consider this an emergency call? No. He couldn’t tell his brother over the phone. As a man, he needed to tell him face to face. Would he gain his brother’s respect when he did?

A sour taste settled in Cole’s mouth. He would tell him tonight. Once he finished dinner with Leah. On one hand, he wished time would speed up so he could see her, but dreaded the ticks on the clock knowing he would have to confess to his brother.

Like a ship tossed back and forth on the waves of life's sea, solutions tore at Cole’s insides. He couldn’t give up Leah. He barely had a chance with her. Seth knew what it was like to have her in his life, and he threw it away. Was that Cole’s fault his brother realized his mistakes too late?

His chest heaved a sigh. He loved his brother. He didn’t want to hurt him, but how many more times could he take a backseat? Didn’t the town still refer to him as “Seth’s little brother?” He had to travel the world to gain a name. While Leah wasn’t a conquest he wanted to win, didn’t he deserve a fair shot with her?

Like lead, his footsteps were heavy as Cole moseyed his way back to the front room. April emerged from the dressing room and wrapped her arms around Jeremy’s neck. He leaned forward and kissed her lips, bringing out a giggle from his bride-to-be. Cole then grabbed his camera.

“You two ready?” he asked, forcing enthusiasm on his face.

April bounced on her toes. “I can’t wait!”

Jeremy kissed her temple.

Cole directed them to the backdrop for their photos. Like standing at a crossroads, no decision would be easy. He sighed as he directed April and Jeremy’s photo shoot. He couldn’t let Leah go. His brother would have to understand.

Chapter 24

Chip’s barks alerted Leah someone was at the front door. Primping in the mirror one final time, she scurried to answer it. Her body relaxed the moment Cole’s eyes rested on hers. He carried grocery bags in each hand.

“I told you I would cook.” She folded her arms across her chest.

“I thought it’d be fun to do it together.” He walked past her toward the kitchen. “Besides, this will prove that I can cook.”

Leah and Chip followed him. Once he sat the bags on the counter, Cole bent down to greet her puppy. Chip reached out a paw, and Cole took it kindly. Chip immediately jumped in his lap. He patted his back.

“I guess I have his approval.”

“Maybe,” she teased.

One final pat to Chip and Cole stood upright. He washed his hands at the sink and then focused his eyes on Leah. She smoothed the front of her off-the-shoulder shirt. He drew closer to her, and the heat radiated through her chest. To her surprise, he kissed her forehead.

“You look gorgeous,” he whispered.

She eyed him. “You look good too.”

He then raised her chin with a curled knuckle. “Should I kiss you now or later?”

A low pleasant hum escaped her throat. How she wanted to kiss him when he first walked inside her home. She loved them cooking together and pressed her lips together to stifle her squeal.

Instead, she cleared her throat. “I’m starving.” She slid past him but stopped mid-stride when he clutched her hand. Lacing his fingers with hers, he brought her to his chest. Resting his forehead against hers, Leah’s fingers rested against the nape of his neck.

“Hi,” he said.

“Hi.” She breathed in his manly scent, not wanting to be anywhere else.
