Page 17 of Thinking of Zoe

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He shook his head. “No, I came to say goodnight to her.” He kissed her forehead. Celine snoozed in his arms, with her baby lips cracked. “You mind if I put her to bed. I’ve gotten in the habit.”

Zoe nodded. Loss for words for what was happening. Alex rose from the couch and carried Celine to her room. Zoe ran her hands over her pant legs. Did she have a moment with Alex?

Her body temperature rose as she walked to the kitchen for a drink. Inspecting Lisa's refrigerator, she grabbed a water bottle. Zoe gulped it. It was ridiculous. She had dated the “bad boy” before. It only got her into trouble.

“You okay?” he said.

Zoe jerked, causing some water to spill on her top. The chilled water shocked her. She forced a smile, despite tingles sweeping up the back of her neck and across her face.

She reached for a nearby dishtowel. “I’m fine.” She patted the wet spots on her shirt. “What did I tell you about sneaking up on me?”

He covered his mouth as if to stifle a chuckle. “My bad.”

She raised an eyebrow. “That’s all you have to say?”

“I’ll remember that for next time. I promise.”

She wouldn’t believe his promises. She knew the drill with guys like him. “Sure.”

Alex stuffed his hands in his pockets. “About what I said earlier, I uh... didn’t mean to dump that on you.”

She met his gaze with hers. “I didn’t think you were.”

“Thanks.” His eye contact was firm as it focused on her.

Zoe placed the dishtowel back on the counter. “I think I... should go.”

“Sure.” He nodded. “I can stay with Celine until Lisa gets home.”

“Your aunt said if you were here, I could leave if I needed to.” She needed to. She should have never let him inside. “I have some... things to catch up on at home.”

How would she get pass him? Lisa’s kitchen was narrow, Alex stood in the middle of the floor. Zoe cleared her throat. He pivoted to let her pass him, but not before he took her hand. Zoe paused. The sensation of her body being filled with warmth took over. She bit her bottom lip and looked into his eyes.

“Thank you,” Alex said. “I appreciate you listening.”

The corners of her mouth raised. “You’re welcome.” She drew her hand away and headed for the living room for her purse and phone. “Goodnight.”

“Goodnight, Zoe.”

Her heart fluttered the way he said her name. Zoe didn’t look back, but hurried to her car after closing the door behind her.

Chapter 7

Alex didn’t visit the bridge often, but he rested his elbows on the cement wall. The clouds in the sky ranged from billowy puffs to feathered strokes. The sun illuminated them to where it appeared back-lit, with one side glowing brightly than the other. Rays appeared to shoot toward the ground, creating a beautiful scene.

Birds circled high on the up drifts and planes flew overhead. Blooming flowers filled his nose with their floral scents. Insects buzzed around, but Alex only rubbed his palms together. Did he spill his guts to Zoe the other night?

His mouth slackened as his chest tensed. Not only did telling her make his brow wrinkle, he wanted to share more. Zoe listened with understanding. She wasn’t like any of the other women who he’d met in the past who batted their eyelashes at the sight of him.

All Alex had to do was smile. A woman would bend over backwards to please him. Not Zoe. She had a mind of her own. She didn’t fall for his lines or his charms.

He stared at the open sky. He should leave her alone. It was best. He couldn’t get over on her. In the past he would leave, but with Zoe, it only intrigued him further. What would it take to get her to say yes to a date?

Alex straightened from leaning on the bridge wall. Didn’t he learn his lesson the last time? Layla. His first love—at least that’s what he thought. She didn’t care about him. The night of his junior prom, her words cut through him like a butcher knife. She only went out with him to make his school band mate, her ex-boyfriend jealous.

Seventeen-year-old Alex’s stomach had hardened. He’d been a fool to think love would work for him. He’d seen the damage it’d done to his father. Why did he let Layla convince him that she’d cared?

He already had trouble fitting in at school. Women saw a bad boy now, but in school, kids considered him unpopular. How did he break free? He had a talent for the drums. Next thing he knew, he was in the school band, and the girls cheered with his name on their lips. Alex grabbed the first sign of acceptance.
