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When I roll over, I find myself in my own bed. Last night, I distinctly remember falling asleep beside Damien on the roof. The discomfort between my thighs is no longer the cause of my stupidity from using a blade, but because I’ve leaped over the edge from girl to woman. I was honest with Damien last night; I never once found someone I wanted to give that part of me to. Yes, I almost lost it, almost gave it away to someone who didn’t matter, but when he walked out with disgust on his face, I knew I needed my first time to be special.

And it was.

Reaching for the pillow beside me, I pull it to my nose and inhale. Damien’s cologne still saturates the material, and I enjoy it for a short while, before my door swings open.

“You’re awake,” Damien says, drawing my attention to him. Last night was filled with strange occurrences. My aunt disappeared after the hide and seek game, and I asked Damien if I could talk to her. He promised today would be the day, but when he settles on the bed, he offers me a guilty smile.

“What’s wrong?” I ask, before scooting up in bed. My back is flush with the headboard, and I tug the sheet to cover my naked body.

Blue eyes drink me in slowly as if he’s attempting to caress me with merely a glance.

“My father just called,” he says, “they’re arriving back tonight.”

“What?” Shock laces my tone as my heartbeat kicks into overdrive. They can’t be back so soon. I have so many questions for my aunt before my mother returns. “They… I need to speak to Mallory before my mother gets here.”

Damien nods. “I know. I called, and she said we can come by today. I was going to come and wake you, so you can put some clothes on.”

“Is that it?” I quip, as my chest tightens. After last night, I thought he’d be more affectionate. But Damien is cold this morning, different in the light of day.

He pushes to his feet, his eyes narrowing on me, and I’m sure he’s going to walk out, but he turns to face me fully, pulling something from his back pocket.

“That wasn’t it,” he tells me, with an arch in his dark brow. “I want you to wear this.” He hands me a small box. Without thinking, I shift toward him, causing the comforter to fall from my grip and those deep blue depths darken with need. “You’re going to have to behave while our folks are around.”

“Oh?” I take the box, flicking it open, ignoring his desire-filled stare on my naked breasts. “Damien.” His name is a whisper that tumbles from my lips. “This is exquisite.”

The thin golden choker has a rose hanging off it. But the gemstone in the center is a deep blue.

“Nothing can be as devastatingly beautiful as you are,” he responds in a low murmur. “Let me put it on.” I watch his slender fingers lift the delicate necklace from its velvet cushion. Within seconds, it’s unclasped, and I’m kneeling before him with my hair pinned up. Once the cool pendant touches my skin, I can’t stop the shiver that trickles through me.

His lips find my neck, pressing a heated kiss to the skin, leaving goosebumps in the wake of his warmth. “When they get back,” Damien whispers. “We need to be careful. You’re mine, always and forever, and I need you not to doubt me.”

Twisting on the bed, I look up at him. His hands reach for my shoulders, massaging them gently, as he lowers his touch to my nipples, which peak at the feather-light whisper of his fingertips.

“Because we’re forbidden,” I say, my gaze locked on his.

“Yes. But I want to talk with my father,” he tells me. “If he can understand my feelings, perhaps he’ll allow me to make my own choices.”

“What about me?”

“I’m not walking away from you. I’m not leaving here without you,” he affirms. “When I get on that plane to London, you’ll be by my side.”

“As your sister.”

“As my girlfriend,” Damien says, shocking me silent. “Last night wasn’t just sex for me, Nesrin. I haven’t felt connected to anyone before. I’ve always been alone, not physically, but mentally, emotionally.”

“And now?” I ask, unsure of where he’s going. Even though Damien’s given me strength in ways I have never imagined one person could do for another, I’m still scared. He could have any girl out there.

“Now,” Damien whispers, as his hand reaches for my face, holding it gently, while his thumb swipes over my lips. His gaze burns with desire, regarding me thoughtfully. “Now I’m lost in you.”

“And if our parents fight us on this?” It’s a question I’ve been wanting to ask for days, since the first time he kissed me. Even though I didn’t think it would go this far, I know I can’t go back now. And I’m sure he can’t either.
