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I’m about to grab at her again, when she twists to the left, making me race the wrong way because I couldn’t slow down in time. Even through the trees, I can make her small form out, and the animal deep in my gut roars with happiness when another scream lurches from her as I make another grasp for her.

But my wild rose is quick, shocking me and she makes a break, racing from me on those slender, sexy legs. I fucking love this girl. The thought comes quickly, but I shake it away the next second, refocusing on the task at hand.

I can’t think about that now.

Not yet.



My lungs are burning, but I don’t stop. My legs wobble with every step, but I focus on the adrenalin racing through me. Even though everything aches, I’m euphoric. The talk with my mother, the truth she revealed, no longer twists the anger in my gut. My chest is no longer tight with frustration at the lies.

I’m free.

The need to grab a blade, to open a wound in order to release my fears is no longer at the forefront of my mind. With every tentative step I take, hoping he finds me but also, praying he doesn’t; I can’t help but realize I can make it through whatever challenge comes my way.

It’s a thin, sleek line between strength and weakness for me. One small incident can tip me over the edge into the darkness, and I’ll get lost inside myself.

The darkness engulfs me, holding me in its chilly embrace. I stop for a moment, completely lost. I took a turn somewhere along the way, thinking it would lead me to the lake, but it hasn’t. I’m not sure where I am, but I do have my phone if I need it. I flicked off the GPS because I had a feeling Damien would be able to track me with it, but I could always turn it on when I’ve had enough.

But I’m not ready to go back.

I’m enjoying this far too much. A crunch from somewhere behind me has me freezing. The trees hide me, but something tells me Damien will find me, even if I was completely hidden.

I’ll find you, even in the dark.

His words always linger on the edge of my fear. The promise is written on my heart, and I know no matter where I am, I’m safe because he’s there. It eases the tension that tends to grip me. Another crack of a branch echoes through the forest, and my heartbeat kicks up a notch. It’s louder, right in my ears, reminding me I’m alive.

I don’t know what he has planned for when he catches me, and he will, but my stomach flutters with excitement. The next sound is even closer, and I push away from the tree, racing through the shadows, and that’s when his movements become noticeable.

I’m taunting the hunter.

I’m teasing the beast.

Suddenly, he’s on me. His body on top of mine, as we fall to the ground. The coolness against my cheek is only there for a second or two, before Damien pulls me to my feet, his grip on my wrists is solid. I find myself against one of the trees before he starts weaving a rope around my wrists.

“What are you doing?”

“You wanted to play,” he responds, in a voice that sounds nothing like him. It causes my heart to stutter in my chest. The fear is intoxicating, but the excitement of what’s to come is exhilarating.

Once I’m bound to the thick trunk, unable to get away from him again, he steps back and regards me. Even in the dark, his eyes seem luminous. Shards of silver light come from above us, the moon shining down, watching us, as we play our game.

Damien pulls a knife from his belt, the glint of metal shimmers, forcing a gasp to tumble from my lips.

“Open your mouth,” he tells me. He takes a step toward me, stopping only once he’s inches from me. When I open my mouth, he places the blade between my teeth and says, “bite down on this.” I do, much to his satisfaction.

My eyes track him, as he drops down in front of me, his hands tugging at my yoga pants, pulling them down. He helps me out of them, and the cool night air tickles my exposed skin. A shiver races through me, causing my legs to shake, but Damien’s hot mouth is on me, his tongue lapping at me, as his hands push my legs wider.

When I look down, the sight nearly undoes me. His blue eyes, now dark, are staring up at me, as he licks and laves at me as if I were his sustenance. Perhaps I am, but the moment two of his fingers dip inside me, my toes curl in my socks. My thighs shake, and the tightness in my lower stomach twists and teases, just like his mouth on my pussy.
