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"After John’s death, James told Michael that he and John had gotten into a scuffle. He didn’t tell Michael it was about the affair his best friend was having with Sarah. He told his brother that the fight had something to do with the campaign that they didn’t agree on. The fight caused John’s asthma to act up. He told Michael he was in a panic and just ran off and left him. He had sworn Michael to secrecy like he had done with Sarah. Once Michael knew what had happened he tried to cover up everything for his brother. That is, he did that until he discovered James was seeing his own wife, Leticia on the side."

I grew impatient watching the cop sip his coffee as if he had all the time in the world. Daniel glanced at me. He knew I wanted David to get on with the story.

"So is that what made Michael so angry all these years?" asked Daniel.

"Yes, it was the turning point for Michael. He became bitter and his resentment with his brother escalated. John had been his best friend. His brother appeared calloused about it all. To make matters worse, Michael found out he had terminal cancer. The family doctor told his father. Forget about all that confidentiality stuff the medical people talk about. His father told James and Sarah."

"I still don’t get why James killed Michael. Siblings fight all the time over things, or so I hear they do," I said.

"I’m saving the best for last," said David. Obviously, he was thoroughly enjoying his storytelling expertise. "Michael threatened to tell the authorities the truth about James causing the death of John Andrews. He let James know that on more than one occasion after he found out about James and his wife Leticia. James was very angry with Michael. Then Michael started bringing his big dog to work for protection. He never went any place without that dog with him."

"Where was Thor the night Michael was killed?" I asked.

"Is that the dog’s name?" asked David. "Well, the dog was outside. Michael had come back to Sunrise to pick up some paperwork. When he went out the back door to go home, James was there. He convinced Michael he wanted to mend the relationship. He told him he just wanted to talk. James closed the door before Michael thought to bring the dog inside with him. At first James was friendly and asked Michael for some coffee while they talked. When Michael got up from the table to add a couple of scones to the meeting, James slipped the belladonna into his coffee."

"And the rest is history," said Jacob. "What is his wife charged with?"

"I doubt anything. She was a victim of James Simms, too. She had no idea he had taken the raw belladonna and used it against his brother. She and her lawyer have been upfront with everything. Sarah Simms has an upright reputation. She is no murderess."

The coffee was cold. The room was silent. I heard Thor scratching at the inside kitchen door.

"I have to take care of my dog, Thor," I said.

I brought Thor in with the group sitting at the table. He didn’t growl. That was a good sign and I knew I could trust his instincts from now on.

"You had better spoil that monster good, Laila," said Jacob. "He solved the mystery that got me out of jail."

"Yes, he did," I said. Thor waited expectantly for me to ruffle the short hairs on his shoulders.

The monster that once belonged to Michael Simms now held high prestige in Roasted Love. Thor and I became friends for life. Almond eyes and clear blue ones locked in understanding of one another. No one missed our looks of pride in what we had accomplished.

The adventure continues...

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