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"Oh yeah, right. I'll leave now. Have to get back to the restaurant."

"I'll see you around, I guess," I said.

That said I was sure I would see more of him if he followed a pattern like today. I watched as Lily took two cranberry muffins from behind the glass. He asked for two expressos and I got them ready for him. He paid Lily, and left with the white paper sack that had Roasted Love's trademark emblem stamped on the side. I hoped two of everything meant he was bringing something back to share with Cassie. I kept my eyes on him through the wide glass front of Roasted Love. He stopped at the bell ringer and pulled several bills from his wallet and deposited them in the kettle. I wondered why I rarely saw Cassie with him. I reminded myself she was working at his restaurant while he strolled up and down the Piazza.

I had to admit he was a generous person. Seeing this side of him with the bell ringer, it was hard to think I thought of him as a murderer. "Too bad he didn't show his good side more often," I said to myself.

"Talking to yourself again, Laila?" Eddie appeared from the swinging door behind him. This time he had cream cheese scones on a tray. I didn't have to remind him to put them in the display.

"Yes, I am. I told you it is the way great minds work."

"Yeah, right."

Closing time finally arrived. It had been quite a day. The negatives overrode the positives for most of my shift. The next day should be easier. I had fewer hours scheduled to work. Hopefully, Steven Landers would be at work in his own restaurant where he was supposed to be.

After Thor gave me his usual boisterous welcome home, I put him outside. The exercise with him was rejuvenating. I watched my dog pounce on the ball each time like it was either his enemy or his treasure. I wasn't sure what he was thinking. In the meantime, I found myself scanning the yard for shadows.

After fifteen minutes he was ready for his dinner. I dug deep into my coat pocket to reach my cell phone. It rang a few times before I grasped it in my wet glove.

"Are you busy?" asked Daniel.

"No, I just had to find the phone in my pocket. Thor and I are coming in now from the backyard snow.”

The comforting chuckle spilled over the miles. "Why don't you get Thor's dinner and yours over with first and then call me back."

I told him I would. I doubted Thor would be very patient waiting while we talked. I decided to put my dinner on hold until after Daniel and I chatted a while. I had no idea what I would eat anyway at this point.

"I'm back," I said. "Is this a good time for you?"

"Sure," said Daniel. "We don't eat around here until around eight or after. They all seem to be regular night owls. I'll have to readjust when I get back to West River. Do you have anything new on the case?"

"I don't have anything new but plan to meet with Chief Hayes again tomorrow. I'll have to call him first. I don't like to just barge in on him. He seems busy enough with this case and the others on his desk."

"I'm curious about the DNA and the handwriting analysis results," said Daniel. "From what you have told me, I have a gut feeling it will all come back to Jared Freedman."

I agreed with him. The waiting was getting interminable for both of us.

"I wish you could spend Christmas down in Tennessee with me. My parents don't say much but I think they are getting curious about you. They hesitate because they think they will jeopardize my relationship with you."

This time his laugh was a hearty one. "Why would you say that?"

"I know them both well. It's like they live under a curse of some kind when it comes to male friends of mine. If they talk too much about it, it falls apart. It's not as if it happens that way. I just have a feeling it's the way they think."

"I'll get down that way sometime and meet them. I feel like I know them already after hearing you talk about them."

I was close to my parents, though all three of us kept that closeness because we didn't live on top of one another.

"Ok, thanks for the call, Daniel. I love talking to you every day. Enjoy the revelry with family."

"Sometimes it becomes rivalry," he said. "Of course, it's all in good fun. At least, I think it's in good fun." There was one thing about Daniel. He had a good sense of humor.

Chapter Twenty Seven

My sleep was restless. Jared Freedman had to be the one who killed Frank. By now, I was sure he had a lawyer in the wings. In that case, I doubted a full confession would be coming forth from the suspect. I awoke and groaned when I looked at the digital clock on my bedside table and saw it was six a.m. Of all mornings to wake up so early when I didn't have to be at work until eleven. Thor stirred on his mat. He looked up at me and then his head dropped to the soft bed he occupied on the floor. I watched him curl up as if ready to sleep the day away. Maybe he had a restless night, too, or, the right idea.

I rolled over and tried to settle in again. Once thoughts swarmed my mind there was no way I would go back to sleep.

"Come on, Thor, let's get up and start our day." For the sake of Thor, I decided to give him a day at Roasted Love. "You probably get bored here while I'm at work, Thor. Want to see Jacob today?" He perked up, stretched, and headed out the bedroom door. He stood and looked back as I dragged myself out of bed.

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