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He was staring at her, intent, those light gray eyes sweeping slowly over his face.

“I... I’d almost convinced myself you were a dream.” Now her embarrassment was complete. “But if you didn’t exist then neither would this.” One hand strayed to her stomach.

His gaze followed her hand, giving her the chance to steal a longer look at him. His jaw muscle clenched tight. Drawing attention to his very strong square jaw. How simply looking at a man could make her go soft inside was a mystery. But looking at this man did just that. His thick black lashes and oh-so-mesmerizing eyes reached deep inside her. Even now, when everything was uncertain, he inspired all sorts of tingles and aches. It was exhilarating. And, considering their present condition, ridiculous.

“It wasn’t a dream.” His voice was pitched low, his gaze meeting hers.

The look on his face only increased the tingles and aches. And frustration. Her wayward body was not going to take control of the conversation. It had done enough, thank you very much. “I don’t know you, Ash,” she started. “You don’t know me.”

“We’ll work on that.” He moved to her side, instantly rattling her. “I’m not going anywhere.” His hands settled on her shoulders but she wouldn’t meet his gaze. It was easier to stare at the broad expanse of his flannel-covered chest. He took a deep breath. “You’re not doing this on your own. This is our baby.”

It was true, but that didn’t stop her from panicking. Our baby? He had a right to know. After that... Well, she hadn’t gotten to that part yet. But now there was an “our”? What, exactly, did “our” mean?

“Renata, look at me.” His voice was low and gruff.

One look in those gray eyes and she’d get even more flustered than she already was. “No.”


Surely, he knew. He had to know. Didn’t he feel this? With him this close, thinking and moving and talking was challenging. He was just so overwhelming.

His voice was softer as he said, “I can think of worse things than being overwhelmingly attracted to the mother of my child.”

Now he had her full attention. Her heart kicked up when their gazes collided. He did know. She wasn’t the only one suffering from out-of-control want. There was no way around it—this man set her body on fire. Standing here, gazes locked and blazing, the connection shook her to the core.

He was smiling. “Why deny it? I think it’s a hell of a good place to start.”

She was staring at his mouth, his amazing lips, taking her mind on a detour she didn’t have time to travel. “Start?” That was a whole other topic. One she did not want to add on top of the whole surprise baby thing. A little shake, gripping the cool marble counter, holding herself upright—not swaying into him. Get a hold of yourself.

Changing the topic. “The baby will have a family.” A big, loud, interfering and loving family she didn’t know how to include him in—not without the truth coming out. “We can’t, shouldn’t, overcomplicate this. You know? Single parenting seems to be the thing these days.”

The gorgeous mouth turned down. “That’s what you had in mind?”

No. “I only found out.” She shook her head. “I don’t have anything in mind. There hasn’t been time to construct a plan or catch my breath. I’ve barely had time to process what’s happening myself.” Ten seconds ago, she was wrapped up and aching for this man. Now she was supposed to have a constructive conversation?

“Don’t you think we should discuss options?” His words snapped her out of it.

“There are no options.” Options sounded way too...emotionless. Right now, her emotions were in charge. As new and terrifying as this was, she wasn’t about to give up this baby. Ever. He needed to know that up front. “About the baby?” Her voice broke. “I’m going to be a mother.” She backed up, away from his distracting scent and warmth to clear her head—and into the counter to send her plate, pie and fork crashing to the floor.

“And I’m going to be a father to this baby,” he said, hands on hips, looking like he meant it—even if he wasn’t exactly happy about it. “While I appreciate how close you and your family are, this will be our family. And I plan to play an active part in it—to be there for you—starting now.”

“Great.” She bit the word out. “Perfect.”


Good wasn’t the way she’d describe any of this. Telling her father and brothers was going to be hard enough without him being a part of the discussion. But he was the father. She winced. He had every right to be a part of this. Saying he wanted to be here for her, for their baby, was good? It was. So why was it hard to breathe?

Oh God. How was she going to tell her family she’d wound up pregnant from a one-night stand? It might have worked out for her brother Ryder and his wife, Annabeth, but this was different. She and Ash had no history. They were strangers. Having a baby. She covered her face, and nausea welled up all over again. “This is bad,” she mumbled.

He didn’t argue. Or say anything. A peek between her fingers showed him still leaning against the counter, still looking at her. Calm. Rational. Sure, his jaw looked like it could snap any moment, but overall... “How can you be this calm?”

He tugged her hands from her face, his gaze searching. “I’m not. I promise.”

Exhaustion slammed into her, hard and fast. It had been a long day. “I can barely think, let alone make decisions. Besides, I’m a list maker. This calls for lots of lists. It calms me down.” She sucked in a deep breath. “If possible, it helps me sleep.”

The corners of his lips dipped.

“Don’t frown at me,” she snapped. “You’re not the one that’s going to have to tell my family.”
