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“Then you must try harder. Soothe him. Woo him, entice him, seduce him, child. He will help you again.” Erysichthon cut her off, pulling his arm from her hold. “One last time, for I know where Persephone is.”

Ione froze. “Truly?”

He nodded, smiling. “This will be the last time, I promise. Once she is returned, all will be well. You will see.”

The sympathy in his daughter’s eyes irked him. He needed no pity.

“Persephone will speak to her mother?” Ione asked doubtfully. “See the curse removed?”

“She will.” He spat out the words, scowling at her. “Why do you question me so, child? When have I ever failed you? When? Never. Even now, when times are… troubled, have you not returned to me each time, in good health?”

She nodded.

“Then give me thanks. Honor me. It is through my suffering that you’ve found a lover in the God of the Seas himself. My daughter, favored by the great Poseidon.”

She shook her head. “As I said, he does not favor me... He said he must help me to ease his part in this matter…”

“What matter?”

“He did not say. And I dare not question him, not when he has come to my aid.” Her lovely face looked haggard. “I dare not rouse the fury I see within his pale gaze, Father. He frightens me–”

“Frightens you? A robust lover, then?” He smiled, patting her cheek. “He favors you or he would not continue to help you.” He nodded, regarding his daughter with narrowed eyes. “And you would be wise submit to him again and hold his interest as long as you can.” His hands pressed against his stomach, the pain forcing another groan from him.

She stared at him with wide eyes. “Look at you, Father. Look at what has become of us. Of your people… Our home. Thessaly is ravaged, as is your body… and mind. I have lost my husband through your blasphemy.” Her tone was pleading. “I have lost my pride, sold into servitude three times, and… used by Poseidon to appease your hunger. And now you would encourage me to sacrifice my dignity again… For what?”

“You complain like an old woman. It’s unlike you. And will not help you keep your Poseidon.” He clasped her shoulders. “You shall have your God and I shall have my Goddess, soon.”

She shook her head. “Where is she, then? Where is your precious Persephone? And why haven’t you gone to get her yet?”

He ignored her disbelief and patted her cheek. “She is with Hades. It was he who took her from me on the battlefield.”

She stared at him. “Hades? You cannot go… How will you bring her home?”

He smiled, rubbing his hands together. “Find me food, Ione, and I will tell you my plan.”


“I am victor.” Persephone beamed at Hades.

He’d not let her win, this time. She was quick, grasping the game and trouncing him gleefully. He sat back with a smile. “You are.”

She sat forward, setting her elbow on the table and resting her chin in her hand. She moved the small carved gray pieces back into place. Her braid fell forward, brushing his hand on the game board before she looked up at him. “Shall we play again?”

His hand burned. He shook his head. “Enough Tavli.”

“Shall we walk?”

It infuriated him to know he would be happy to sit here, staring into her green eyes. How easily she’d come to be the most important part of his day… He leaned into the side of his chair, watching her fingers move over the game pieces. She was the reason he woke, full of anticipation, each morning. He was too eager to spend time with her. He savored their walks or their quiet companionship. Everything about her pleased him. Her presence eased some ache within him, an ache that he’d always known, causing him much bewilderment… and exhilaration.

“Shall I sing for you?” She placed the last piece then sat back, tucking her knees under her.

He cocked his head. “What would you sing of?”

She tapped her finger to her lips as she thought, drawing his gaze to her full mouth.

“I know.” Her face grew animated as she spoke, “The song of the trees.”

“The trees sing?” he asked.
