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Silence returned as she studied him. “Take a leave of absence. Get away, have a vacation—find a way to connect with her. The two of you live under the same roof but, as far as I can tell, you are strangers to each other.” She leaned forward, elbows on her knees. “But I’m not sure that will give any long-term solutions. When the vacation is over, and you come back, I worry she’ll slip into the same familiar patterns she’s set for herself.” She held the brochure out again. “Diana refuses to let go of her anger, Graham. You know that. If she does, she’ll have to deal with her grief and pain. Her anger gives her a sense of control—we’ve talked about it a hundred times.”

“We’ve been talking about it for three years.” He bit out. “Why the hell isn’t she getting better?”

Adelaide smiled. “It’s not that easy. The wounds to the human psyche heal when the person is open to it. Diana doesn’t want to because she’s not ready for the work it will entail.”

Graham pushed off the loveseat and shoved

the brochure into his coat pocket.

“Please make sure there’s nothing in her room she can harm herself with,” Adelaide said, unfolding herself from her rocking chair. “She’s upset—not thinking. Inclined to making foolish decisions.”

He nodded.

“Will you think about checking her in?” she pushed. “For her own good?”

“I’ll think about a leave of absence.” He swallowed, already making a list of what he’d need to do to make that happen.

Adelaide Keanon sighed. “As I said, there’s no guarantee that will change a thing.”

“You think locking her up with a bunch of strangers so they can talk about their problems and addictions will? She’s a child. I’m her father. It’s my job to protect her. I have to try everything before…before I consider what you’re suggesting.”

“Sending her there is protecting her, Graham. From herself.” Adelaide held the door open for him.

He left, considering his options: punch something, yell at someone, or drink enough to dull the constant ache in his chest. He may not understand his daughter—but he loved her. If there was the slightest chance he could avoid committing her, he would. It wasn’t like he’d have to close the clinic. The office Matt had opened in the city could send one of their docs. He’d schedule a conference call tomorrow and have things in place before the end of the month.

He pushed through the doors of the hospital, head down, lost in thought.


He looked up, inches from slamming into Felicity. “Hi.”

“Hi.” Those green eyes swept over his face. “Everything all right?”

He forced a grin. “Long day.” And he still had to go home and dig through Diana’s room. God only knew what he’d find. He reached into his pocket for his keys. Nothing. He patted his coat, shoved his hand in, and pulled out his keys—the brochure for Serenity Heights, a pack of gum, and his hospital badge falling to the ground.

Felicity was stooping before he could stop her.

“I can get it,” he murmured, kneeling beside her to collect the gum.

She handed him his badge, reaching for the brochure at the same time he did. For some indiscernible reason it was important she not see the damn thing. His business was his business. He and Diana were struggling, but they’d be okay. He snatched up the brochure and stood, hoping like hell she hadn’t seen what it was.

He helped her up, fully aware of the way she was looking at him—and choosing not to acknowledge it. “Checking on Jack?” he asked.

She nodded. “Still no change.”

He already knew that. “I peek in on him whenever I can.”

“You do?” She smiled. “Of course you do.”

He swallowed, overwhelmed with loneliness. There was a time he could have told this woman anything. Not all that long ago, he and Julia and Matt and Felicity were a team, of sorts, navigating marriage and parenting together. Right now, he could use a team.

“You and Diana should come by the house, Graham.” Those green eyes were searching his. “If you have time?”

He would have time. Soon. For a long overdue vacation. With his daughter. And it scared the shit out of him. Not that Felicity needed to be burdened with any of this. As tempting as her invitation was, he knew Felicity had enough chaos without introducing Diana into the mix. “I appreciate the offer but—”

“Don’t ‘but’ me, Graham Murphy.” She was smiling. “Say yes. I have a feeling we’re both charting unfamiliar territory here. Maybe, I don’t know, we could spot each other?”

She meant it. He could tell. The weight crushing his chest lightened the slightest bit.
