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“You heard me.” She shot him a look, but there was no hiding the shiver his touch caused.

His grin was back. “I heard you.”

That grin was a warning. This, he, was a bad, bad idea. “But…things are sort of messed up right now.”

“I got that.” His eyes searched hers as he stepped closer. “I’ll call you. But that means you have to answer the phone.” Another step. If he leaned in to kiss her…

The overhead lights clicked on.

“Honor?” Her mother stood there, staring back and forth between them in shock and mounting concern.

Her mother waited for an answer and, for the first time in her life, Honor didn’t have one. The truth was there on the tip of her tongue, but she couldn’t do it. The last few weeks had been hell. Adding more stress and worry went against everything Honor believed in. She would make sure Nick didn’t pull this sort of crap again. And, if Owen was serious, he would keep Nick out of trouble—for her. Her mother didn’t need to know. Maybe.

“Mom,” Honor managed, her voice high and thin. She was scrambling for an explanation. She was in her nightshirt, with a boy, in the dark… “We didn’t want to wake you.”

Her mom’s owllike eyes blinked. “Oh?”

Way to really freak Mom out. She sucked in a deep breath and took Owen’s hand in hers. “Owen. You know Owen, don’t you?” She cleared her throat.

Her mother nodded, eyes on their hands.

“Well, he and I…” She shrugged, smiling nervously.

Owen squeezed her hand. “I was out for a run, Mrs. Buchanan. Just stopped by to say hello.” He chuckled. “I forget not everyone is up at this hour.”

Her mother’s posture eased the tiniest bit. “Running? At this hour?”

“Yes, ma’am. I leave for boot camp in a few weeks. Trying to get myself on schedule and in fighting shape.” He smiled his win-over-the-teacher smile. “I apologize for stopping by uninvited. Had to see Honor—miss not seeing her every day at school.” His fingers threaded with hers, setting Honor’s nerves to tingling. “Best way to start my day.”

Honor’s heart was thumping in her chest. He was good. Oh, so good. Good enough for her to wonder what that would be like—for him to feel that way about her.

“She has that effect on people.” Her mother smiled. “You’re welcome to join us for breakfast, Owen. After your run?”

Her mom was a goner. Not that she blamed her.

“I appreciate the offer, Mrs. Buchanan, but I have work today. It was nice to officially meet you.”

“You’re welcome to drop by this evening if you’d like. Just let me know what works.” Honor knew she was freaking out over walking in on her daughter in her pj’s with a hot guy, but she was doing her best to act cool because she was the best mother ever.

“I’m sorry I woke you.” Those warm brown eyes locked with hers. “I’ll let you go back to bed.”

Like that was going to happen. Her head and heart and…all of her were in a tailspin. She swallowed. “’kay.”

“I’ll call later.” His fingers tightened around hers, then slid free. This shivering from his touch thing had to stop. She enjoyed it way too much. “You have to answer your phone,” he whispered.

She nodded, his smile making her flush warmly.

“Bye,” he said, waving at her mother, winking her way, and leaving through the back door.

Her mother’s arm slid around her shoulders and pulled her close. “Wow,” she said. “He’s sort of…grown-up.”

“We’re the same age, Mom.” But she knew what her mother meant. Owen was wow.

“And Owen is your boyfriend?” she asked, squeezing her shoulder.

No. No way. The idea was laughable. “Yep.”

“And he did just stop by?” she pushed.
