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He frowned. “I’m pretty sure all men like that.” He twined her hair around her fist and pulled her down to kiss him. “If it feels good, I want to know. Plus, it’s hot.”

She shuddered, leaning into him. “Is that a yes?” she asked.

He took his time inspecting her face and body. She heard the change in his breathing when his gaze fell to her breasts. And sighed as his hand cupped her, his thumb grazing the hardening peak.

“Spencer?” she asked, feeling exposed and aroused. She didn’t know what she wanted more, his answer or his mouth on her body.

* * *

SPENCER LOOKED AT her face. She was so easy to excite, so responsive. To see her come alive under his touch was a powerful aphrodisiac. He couldn’t get enough of her. Her body was meant for touching. And she was offering herself to him for twelve days. Twelve days of no-strings-attached sex. With Tatum.

“You think twelve days will be enough?” he asked, stroking her nipple with the pad of his thumb. She hardened beneath his touch, and she had the exact same effect on his body. He’d come twice in the last hour and he was already ready for round three.

She clasped his wrist, holding his fingers in place against her breast. “Guess we’ll find out?”

He nodded, bending to kiss her. “I guess so.” He kissed her until she was breathless, until her arms were wrapped around him and her fingers twisted in his hair. “I’m hungry,” he said against her mouth. “I need food. If you think you can control yourself?”

She laughed, the gentle curves of her body brushing against him and threatening his resolve to wait. “I’ll try.” She sighed. “At least I went to the grocery store. I can feed you.”

“Good idea. Don’t want me to waste away.” He kissed the tip of her nose.

“Not for the next twelve days, anyway,” she added, slipping from the bed.

“Ouch,” he teased. “Only want me for my body, huh?”

“Yes,” she answered, laughing. “But I admit, I’m hungry too.” She slipped into her robe, pulled the sash tight and headed into the kitchen.

He followed, in nothing but his boxer shorts. She was staring at him with such appreciation he couldn’t help but grin. He ran a hand through his hair and crossed his arms over his chest. “What?”

“Just enjoying the view,” she admitted.

He cocked an eyebrow. “I’m in favor of matching outfits.”

She shook her head, laughing. “What sounds good?” she asked, unpacking the grocery bags.

“Whatever’s quick and easy?”


They fell into step, working side by side. He watched the way she moved, how graceful and easy she was in the kitchen. “You know your way around the kitchen,” he said, washing off the tomatoes.

“Lots of cooking classes. They were cheaper than hiring a caterer every time we threw some fancy dinner for one reason or another. And I liked cooking,” she said with a smile, chopping up some mushrooms and tomatoes with quick, sure strokes. She stopped long enough to turn on some Christmas music, then tossed some onions in a skillet. By the time dinner was ready, his mouth was watering from the delicious aromas scenting the air.

They sat on the floor in front of the Christmas tree, enjoying their meal. He rested against the couch, propped on some pillows, savoring his beer. He watched her, her green eyes fixed on the tree. The firelight turned her eyes deep emerald and the gold of her hair shone. She hummed along with the instrumental carol playing, the only other sound the snap and pop from the fire. The night couldn’t get much better.

She glanced at him. “So, Spencer, what do you want for Christmas?”

He chuckled. “My present came early this year.” What more could he want?

Her brows rose, stunned. “Me?”

He laughed. Did she not realize what a treasure she was? She might be in this for the sex. He saw this as his second chance.

She shook her head. “You must have wanted something, before I came along and offered you endless sex.”

He sat quietly, thinking about it. “If I did, I can’t remember.” It was a sobering thought. She’d only been here two days and he was already so caught up in her. Maybe this proposal was more dangerous than he realized. He took a sip of his wine. “Are you going to the charity auction?” he asked.

“I told your mom I’d go,” she answered. “Guess it’s time I stopped being a hermit and returned to the land of the living. I admit I’m not looking forward to the questions and comments, but I guess it’s unavoidable.”
