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PATTON’S ATTENTION FOLLOWED CADY. Watching her was revealing, not just because of her actions but because of the reactions of those around her. People responded to her, warmed to her. She had that spark, the thing that drew people in and made them want her attention. He was careful; he didn’t want Cady to think he was fixated on her. He sighed. Who was he trying to kid? He was fixated on her... No, dammit, it was way past that. He wasn’t just interested. He cared about her.

Why else was he here? Cady could handle a flirtatious coworker. After meeting Charles, he knew he had nothing to worry about. It was time to come clean. He’d wanted to come, to be a part of Cady’s life—since she’d invaded almost every aspect of his.

Once he accepted his feelings, he decided he might as well go with it and enjoy Cady—her energy and spirit. She knew how to work a room, radiating a sexy-as-hell confidence he couldn’t help but admire. More than that, she was smart. He saw how respected she was, not just by those who worked for her or with her, but by her superiors, as well. They found Mr. Hembrecht and two other partners, and Cady spent the better part of thirty minutes explaining a new interface she was considering. She knew her stuff. Confidence and competence in one sexy package.

Her presentation was impressive. He didn’t understand a lot of the lingo she was using, but he understood the concept. Security. Cady’s job was keeping computer information secure. If there was a glitch, it was her job to find it and fix it. And the new programs she’d put into place had reduced the security breaches and hacks to their clients’ databases by a third.

When her eyes met his, he saw the thrill of pride she was experiencing. He knew how that felt, to be proud of the job you’d done. To be confident and in control. She was amazing—and gorgeous.

He wasn’t sure which was more rewarding, that Cady was as celebrated as she was or that he was the first guy she’d ever brought to any office function. Something that was repeated by pretty much everyone he was introduced to. Either way, he was having a surprisingly good time. Even if part of him was ready to go home and face-plant in bed—preferably Cady’s bed.

“Tired?” she asked.

“Nope, I’m good.”

Her gaze searched his face. “I’m tired... And starving. We’ve made the rounds. Since I don’t need to be here for our Japanese client, there’s no point in sticking around. We can go to a drive-through, grab some burgers and hit the hay.”

“Burgers?” he asked. “You’re speaking my language.”

“If you think I’ve done my job?” she asked, staring up at him. “Have I shown the top brass how amazing I am? That I’m the only one for this promotion and they need me?”

“I think so. I’d give you the promotion.” He smiled down at her.

“So, you’re satisfied?”

He leaned closer. “I’m nowhere near satisfied.”

He loved the sound of her shocked laughter. “You have something in mind?”

He nodded, his gaze dipping to her chest.

“Tonight, you’re mine.”

She shivered, her breath escaping on a shaky exhale. “I am?”

He pulled her closer, bending his head to whisper, “I’d like to drag you out of here and get things started... In the limo. Unless you have any problems with that?”

She shook her head, her gaze caught up in his. “That’s not very gentlemanly of you.”

“So tonight you’re in the mood for a gentleman?” He watched her eyes widen and her breath hitch. He loved the way her lips parted and her cheeks colored.

“I can’t tell if you’re teasing me or propositioning me,” her voice was husky.

He tucked her blond streak behind her ear, his thumb brushing along her jawline in the process. “Guess I need to work on my proposals then.”

Meg interrupted them, grabbing Cady’s arm. “Cady,” her voice slurred slightly. “Did you hear? Rumor has it Charles got the job.”

Patton took Cady’s hand in his. He kept his mouth shut, knowing he’d have plenty of time to defuse the rumor bomb Meg was dropping. Rumors and alcohol were never a good mix.

“I’m so sorry, Cady. You’re the one that’s worked your ass off—covering for him. We all know it. If you’re not the boss, maybe it’s time to find a new place to work,” Meg kept on, her words running together. Patton took in her dilated pupils and flushed skin. Meg had drunk more than her fair share of the bright yellow drinks she’d been enjoying all evening.

“Meg, come on. Charles isn’t a bad guy,” Cady argued. “We’ll see what happens, okay?”

“You’re so sweet...” Meg sighed, glancing at Patton. “And you’re so lucky.” She raked her finger along his chest, then giggled. “Do you have a brother?”

“One single. A few cousins, too.” Patton grinned at her then. “You need to take a cab home.”

Meg winked. “All right.”
