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Andrew held Kati close. Her body was wet with perspiration, and her sex hole was dripping. He’d experienced his most amazing orgasm ever. She was the best thing that had ever happened to him. Remembering what he had said about women blurting, ‘I love you’, he realised the words were on his lips and in his heart.

“Spectacular,” he whispered in her ear, instead.

Do I love her? Does she love me?

She kissed him on the neck. “Yes,” she said. “It was spectacular.” Kati hugged him tightly.

Was she thinking love the same as him? She didn’t say it.

Was he glad? Or was he sorry? It might be nice to hear those words one day. But perhaps in a different setting, under other circumstances, a person would trust them more.

* * * *

The night with Andrew was so wonderful, Kati longed for a hundred more. They’d both had to get up Monday morning and go to work, but just waking up side-by-side was amazing. Looking into his blue eyes while he fondled her breasts, touching his penis and finding it erect again. They’d showered together after their lovemaking the night before and drifted off in bed but roused in the middle of the night and fucked another time.

Regretfully, they’d awakened too late for thirds this morning. Andrew made the first move towards rising. He had an early meeting and had to leave before Kati did. She followed him to the door. His goodbye kiss was deep and lingering.

“See you tonight?” he asked.

Did he mean he wanted her to stay again? Or was he talking about a date? Her heart raced.

Suddenly, Andrew folded her into his arms. “I hate to leave,” he said. “I like having you here.” He held her away from him and gazed into her eyes. “Would you like to move in? I mean…uh…shall we give us a try and see how we like living together?”

She’d managed to simply say, “I’d love that,” and not jump up and click her heels until after he’d gone.

An important goal met! She hadn’t tricked him or done anything like Tara had sometimes hinted. He’d asked her to live with him of his own accord. He still hadn’t said he loved her, and it was pretty clear he’d invited her on a trial basis. But still…

“Be happy with what you have,” Tara reminded her when she phoned to tell her the news. “Enjoy today and quit asking for so much.”

Kati was happier than she’d believed possible. Tara was right. Love and marriage could wait. But she wasn’t giving up on them.

* * * *

That night after work, the dream began, going home to Andrew at his house. First, she made a stop at her apartment and eagerly packed enough things to last for a few days, or so she hoped. It would take some planning and time to figure out everything. Right now, she couldn’t wait to get back to her new live-in-lover.

Do I ring the bell? Or walk in like I belong here? Before Kati could decide, the door flew open and there stood Andrew ‘wearing’ a towel. “Welcome home.”

She laughed in delight. At least, he wasn’t regretting his invitation, yet. She walked in and set down her luggage and was welcomed with a hug as he pushed the door shut behind her with his foot. “It’s getting nippy out there,” she said, gingerly touching his face with her cold hands.

He took them between his and rubbed her fingers. “You need gloves.” Andrew blew his warm breath on her palms.

She shivered but not from the cold. “Careful. You’re turning me on,” she warned.

“Then I’d better quit. I have dinner ready. First, I’ll take this.” He leant over to pick up her suitcase, confirming what she suspected. He was naked under the black terry cloth fastened around his waist.

“You did that on purpose,” Kati accused.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

She laughed as he headed for the stairs and his bedroom.

“Aren’t you coming?” he asked.

She shrugged off her coat and hung it in the entryway closet. “That’s not a good idea if you want to eat…wait a minute. You said you fixed dinner?”

He’d disappeared around the landing, so Kati followed, her curiosity aroused on more than one level.

She gasped when she stepped inside the bedroom. The curtains were drawn, and flickering candles gave off both light and a cloying scent. Rose petals were scattered on the turned back bedspread, and a low table was set on the floor. Andrew took two pillows off the bed and laid them next to it, side-by-side. A bottle of champagne and two stemmed glasses stood waiting. He handed her a towel. “We can’t have you overdressed. Don a toga like mine, have a seat, and we’ll drink to our new living arrangement.”
