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‘Stroll’ was a misnomer. Andrew’s pace was brisk tonight, and the winter air was cold. Kati’s mind whirled when they set out, but her thought processes were numbed by the time they got back home.

“The TV isn’t going to warm us like your fireplace did,” Kati said. “Maybe more wine will do the trick from the inside out.”

She headed for the kitchen, and Andrew followed. Before she could open the cabinet to get out fresh glasses, he intercepted her move.

Kati, watching him, smothered a smile. It was a good thing she’d hidden her Santa letter when she came to the kitchen earlier for oysters. She’d had a hunch Andrew might peek.

“What happened to the paper that was taped inside here?” he asked, setting the glasses down.

Kati shrugged. “It was a shopping list.” She felt the colour rise in her cheeks.

“So what’s the big secret?”

“Christmas is a time for secrets, Andrew.” She set the wine bottle in front of him. “You do the honours while I find us a movie.”

Maybe she shouldn’t have left him alone in the kitchen, but she was sweating again. He surely wouldn’t look in the freezer. Would he?

A crazy old movie, Christmas Vacation, was just starting and, cuddled on the couch, they laughed their way through it.

“Can you believe what a mess he made of things?” Andrew asked, wiping his eyes.

Kati could imagine but didn’t want to. She was still thinking about cooking a goose. She’d told Tara that giving Andrew a real Brit Christmas would be the aha moment of her plan. If she gave into the notion to do it, would she end up in a situation worse than Griswold’s?

“Jeeminy Christmas, would you look?” Andrew held up the wine bottle. “We drank the whole thing. You know what? I probably shouldn’t drive.” He crossed his eyes and slurred his words. He let his tongue loll.

Kati chuckled. He feigned drunkenness well. “Stop it, goofy.”

“See? You think I’m goofy. What will the cop that stops me say?”

Andrew was acting totally unlike himself. Where was that British reserve? She liked him letting loose. But was it possible he was too inebriated to drive? She felt a little lightheaded herself.

He set down the bottle and pulled Kati into his arms. “What do you think? Would it be okay if I spend the night?” He sounded perfectly sober now. “With you?”

“I suppose. I mean, I wouldn’t want you driving in your current condition.” She palmed his hard-on. “Let me qualify. You shouldn’t drive your car.”

Chuckling, Kati raised her lips for a kiss. Another goal met. Another dream about to be fulfilled.

Chapter Three

Kati fell asleep in Andrew’s arms that night. They’d made slow, passionate love, and his gentle caresses and deep kisses had made her feel treasured. Married life must be like this.

“Damn, Kati. We make beautiful love together,” Andrew said as he reached for her again the next morning.

Love. She hoped it was love and not just sex on his part as she was increasingly sure it was on hers. While she joked about ‘her plan’ and had written a whimsical Santa letter, she would do anything in the world to please this man. Their quickie before arising also pleased her. Fixing him breakfast, she wished they could start every morning this way.

Over a repast of orange juice, French toast, sausage links and fried eggs, all of which Andrew devoured with passion—did he do everything that way?—their conversation turned to Christmas.

“It’s a little less than two weeks away,” Kati said.

“That soon?” Andrew laid down his fork. “I need to buy gifts for Gram and Gramps. If I don’t post them soon, they won’t arrive until after the holiday. I have some work to do at the office today even though it’s Saturday, and I’m meeting Pop at a sports bar for a dart game, sandwiches and beer. Thelma went on some kind of bus trip to a big mall, and he suggested he and I get together. I hope you don’t mind…”

Kati shook her head. He and his dad needed time together.

“If you’ll help me shop tomorrow, I’ll take you to dinner at the restaurant of your choice.”

“You’re not going to impress me with your cooking talents?” she teased. Her heart fluttered at the invitation. It was almost as good as being invited to meet members of his family. But she didn’t want him to know how much it meant to her.

“Talent? You’re talking to a bachelor. I’d be embarrassed, considering the delicious meal you fixed me.”
