Page 8 of Fantasy Man

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Suddenly ashamed of being such a bad best friend, she wished she’d read Jules’ book. Love or lust, she wanted Nick in her bed forever.

Sated beyond belief by a full menu of sexual delights, Rick was hungry for real food, and naked as the day he was born, strolled into Monica’s kitchen. “I’m starving,” he declared as she came up beside him.

She looked toward the baskets he’d brought and he realised she expected real food treats as part of the Fantasy Package. “Ah yes. Good idea.” He found some Godiva Chocolates and took the bottle of champagne from the other basket. Holding them out, he shook his head. Romance foods, but not very filling. “Wait, I think there’s some cheese and crackers.” He dipped in again and came out with the Brie and sesame thins. Rick didn’t know how to make these treats into fantasy fare

but Monica must have seen his hesitation because she came to the rescue.

“I think you’re supposed to dip strawberries in champagne and feed them to one another,” she said, “but if the Fantasy people sent cheese, so be it.”

Spreading a blanket on the living room floor and putting down a few pillows, she laid out a cheeseboard, knife, crackers and napkins.

While he poured more champagne and cut the cheese into small wedges, she put Christmas music on to play.

“Oysters are supposed to be an aphrodisiac but I hate them,” Rick said a little later when they lay on pillows, feeding one another chocolate.

“Who needs aphrodisiacs anyway?” Monica said, laughing. “We did fine without them.” Suddenly she sat up straight. “Nick … shouldn’t I do you?”

Startled by her question he hesitated, wondering if she was asking what he thought. “You mean … uh…”

Monica nodded firmly. “Wouldn’t you like me to do what you did to me?”

“Perform oral sex?” She nodded again and he chuckled. “What’s her name, your friend, wanted to treat you to a fantasy.” He got hard again thinking about it but he wasn’t sure he was up for it this soon. It was nice just lying here together and he didn’t think his fantasies were on the menu.

“That’s true.” She lay back again, reaching for his hand. “But I would. I mean I’d like to.”

“You really would?”

“Yes, and…” She reached for his penis, now standing at attention. “I think you’d like it too. I’d like making you happy.”

Rick turned on his side, facing her, and saw she was smiling. “Everything about my time with you today has made me happy.” He bet Monica would be fun to spend more time with. She was open and honest yet sweet and innocent, seemingly naïve and yet not. He stroked a finger along her jaw line. “Maybe later if you don’t change your mind.”

“I won’t. What do you want to do now?”

“I want to know more about you. Why are you living out here in the boonies all alone?”

“I like it, and this was a house I could afford. I’ve always wanted a house. Do you have one?”

“Yeah, I do. A cedar home that looks like a log cabin with a wraparound porch. It’s located in a suburb, and I wish it were on a location like yours instead. It is surrounded by fir trees so I pretend that I live in a wooded rural area.”

She smiled. “Pretending can be good. Do you live there alone?”

“Just Roger and me.” Monica’s mouth fell open. “Roger is my hunting dog. I hope after what happened in bed you don’t think I could possibly be gay.” He feigned indignation. “I lived with a woman for awhile, but I’ve never been married. Have you?”

“No live-ins. No husbands. What happened between you and the woman you lived with?”

“We were engaged and she cheated on me … with the guy I considered my best friend. Don’t think that doesn’t make you wonder whom you can trust. It’s been eight months since we broke up, and I haven’t dated much since then.” He sighed and she rubbed his thigh, murmuring a consoling sound. “My turn to ask a question,” he said. “Why haven’t you married? I’m sure someone’s asked a lady as lovely as you.”

“I want true love that will last. Jules says I’m an idealist and asking for too much, but I don’t think so. I was proposed to once but…” She shrugged.

“Then I’m an idealist too, because that’s what I want. And kids. I thought maybe you were waiting for your fantasy.”

“I do hope to marry a man that can make love as well as you.”

“That’s nice to hear.” He raised her hand to his lips and kissed it.

“I want kids too.” Suddenly Monica sat up straight, crossing her arms over her chest. “Did I hear someone knocking?”

“I hope not,” Rick said, although he’d heard something too. Damn. What if it’s the real Fantasy Man? His goose was cooked if it was. Bolting from the floor to the bedroom, he grabbed his jeans and pulled them on over his naked ass.
