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“She is pretty sure you’re talking about her, so she was wondering if she could be a part of the conversation.” Dorothy crossed her arms, twinkling eyes belying any pique.

“There she is! You’re just in time for dinner.” He strode toward her, flinging his arm around her shoulder the way he always had to guide her to the table.

Z’s hand on his arm stopped him. “If you don’t mind. I will be the one to present her to my king.”

“Present her? But they’ve already met.” Kansas looked confused, but the king got to his feet, a huge grin spreading across his stunning face.

“Let her go, husband.”

Kansas met Dorothy’s eyes and rolled his, causing her to laugh before making a show of backing away with his hands in the air. “Fine. Fine. She’s all yours.”

That remains to be seen.

Z’s mind brushed hers as he took her hand, her fingers tingling where they entwined with his. She was blown away by the emotion in his eyes, allowing him to walk her toward the handsome monarch with a solemnity that seemed somehow out of place in the makeshift war tent.

“Your Majesty, may I present to you the good witch Dorothy, ally to the wind, friend of all and keeper of my heart.” Dorothy’s gasp was ignored as Z stayed focused on the man before him. “I ask my king for his blessing.”

Wait, what now?

The king nodded just as solemnly, but his eyes were filled with humor. “You have it, of course. But I need a boon from your heart keeper first.”

They stared each other down in silent battle just a second too long for her peace of mind. “Has feminism not come to the land of Odd yet? Is that what this war is really about? Because I have to tell you, I’m already getting a little pissed at all the talking-like-I’m-not-here bullshit that’s happening right now.”

Kansas choked on his wine. “That’s not what this is about, Dorothy. I know what it looks like, but I promise, it isn’t.”

She nodded. “Then I think Kansas is right. You need to tell me everything about Aunt Glin and this unmaking thing.” She glared at Z. “And by the way, if I’m somebody’s heart keeper, I think I should know about it before—no offense, Your Kingship—some damn stranger gives me permission to be.”

The king laughed, a sensual sound that distracted her momentarily from her rant. “I like her, Kansas. I see what you mean. Come, sit with us, have something to eat. You must be starving, especially if you’ve taken on our wizard here.”

Her stomach chose that moment to growl.

“I could eat.”

Dinner was delicious, but she knew she wouldn’t remember what she ate once it was over. She was too busy having two conversations at once. The one at the table, and the one with Z in her head.

You’re sitting too close to him.

Kansas? I’ve known him my entire life. He’s my friend.

And the king’s bonded consort. Still, if you don’t stop touching him, I can’t be held responsible.

Should I remind you about how many people you—

I wish you wouldn’t.

Kansas chose that moment to turn toward her with a smile. “I knew you were into spells and crystals, but I had no clue when you told me you were a witch that you were really a witch witch. Though now that I think about it, Aunt Glin always has made me nervous. The only thing that would make more sense was if she were the BW instead of the GW.”

“Oh stop.” Dorothy hit Kansas, laughing as he huddled against his husband for protection. “You’re just upset that she always caught us whenever we were up to no good. I heard her telling your uncle a dozen times what a bad influence you were.”

Kansas sobered. “Yeah, well, you should’ve seen her face when she found me in the consort’s chair in the palace. She was in disguise as a Glider, so I didn’t recognize her. She pretended to be fascinated by the fact that I was from Earth. When she wondered aloud where the palace wizard was, I mentioned he was at my place in California. How would someone from Oz know where Venice Beach was, right?”

He ran a frustrated hand through his hair. “Anyway, as soon as she heard that she went crazy and dropped her disguise.”

“She did?” Dorothy didn’t have as hard a time imagining that as she wanted to. Aunt

Glin would not have been happy with that information.

Kansas nodded emphatically. “I can’t overstate how mad she was to find out Z was living next door to you. And I was too shocked by her appearance to calm her down.” He paused, wincing at the memory. “It all sort of escalated from there.”
