Page 13 of Truly Scrumptious

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She bit her lip, and all three men groaned. Nate caressed her calf, his touch heating her skin. “You’re perfect, baby. Perfect for us.”

Clay’s voice was raspy, rougher than usual as he grabbed the nearby dessert that she’d been drooling over. “Time for dessert.”

Three male index fingers dipped into the chocolate covered soufflé and began to coat her skin. Her breasts, her belly, her inner thighs.

Truly writhed on the counter, the sticky syrup and velvety texture of the dessert on her sensitized skin just as arousing as their touch. There was no room for self-consciousness. No room for thought. She felt decadent. Displayed for their pleasure. She loved it.

“Spread your legs for Louis, Truly. He needs to taste you,” Nate’s rumbling voice had her instantly obeying.

She looked up at Clay as he dipped his finger once more into the heavenly creation, lowering it to her mouth. She opened her lips and greedily sucked him in, moaning at the rich flavor, watching his own mouth open in reaction.

The three men stood still as statues, staring at her sucking Clay’s finger for long minutes, and she felt a power blooming inside her. She could see herself how they saw her. Sexy. Womanly. Desirable. It made her drunk, this feeling.

As one they lowered their heads to her body. Nate and Clay each sucked a nipple deep into their mouths. Louis climbed up between her legs to lap at the cappuccino and raspberry chocolate on her thighs.

“Oh my.” Her back arched, her hips lifted, her nerve endings on overload. This was really happening. Three stunning men were biting and licking her, touching her as though they couldn’t get enough. All her fantasies come to life. And it was better than she’d ever dreamed it could be.

A tongue swirled masterfully around her clit, strong teeth scored her nipple and another mouth slid beneath her breast to caress her ribcage.

Nate lifted his mouth. “Someone like you.” His emphasis reminded her of her earlier comments. “Someone like you is irresistible. Someone like you could have any man on his knees, whether he liked it or not.”

She focused her blurred vision, her heart stuttering as she got her first look at him naked. He took her breath away. Salt and pepper hair scattered across his broad chest, but it was the tattoo of a dragon, its tail curled around his biceps, its eyes watchful and alert

over Nate’s heart, that snared her attention. The artwork was stunning. And telling. In the hazy mist of desire that fogged her brain, she had to wonder why he was guarding his heart. She had a sudden, terrible feeling that the answer was more important than she wanted it to be. But she didn’t want to think about why.

Louis sucked her clit hard against the roof of his mouth, and she cried out, looking down to find him watching her with a challenging expression. He didn’t take his gaze away from her, didn’t blink while lifting his lips, damp from her arousal. “Now, Nate. I don’t think I can wait.”

Clay took his mouth from her body and caressed the curls at her temple. “See what you’ve done to us, angel? You’ve taken away all our control. None of us can wait to have you.”

Louis was kneeling between her thighs, lowering his jeans and sliding on the condom that had appeared in his hand. His erection was long and hard, flushed with need. Truly licked her lips.

Nate cupped her chin and brought her gaze to his. “Louis wants you, Truly. He wants to feel what I felt, that tight heaven that nearly killed me with pleasure. And I, well I find I want to be your first.”

“My…first…?” Her throat closed as she realized what he was referring to. The first man there. Her first threesome.

She looked up at Clay, and he smiled. “What do you want?”

Truly took a deep breath and felt her cheeks heating. “I want you to kiss me, and then I want you to…” She glanced at Louis quickly, then looked down.

Clay bent down to kiss her, his mouth hovering above her lips until she met his gaze. “You are perfect for us.” He covered her mouth with his own, and she groaned aloud, gripping his muscled shoulder to keep him close as she felt Louis slowly filling her with his cock.

“Damn, Nate, you were right. Heaven. She feels like heaven.” Louis moaned and gripped her thighs in his hands, pulling her bottom up off the counter, arching her body to meet his long, sure strokes.

She thought it again. Different. Still shattering, still so good she thought she might scream, but different. Suddenly, she was greedy. She wanted more. All of it. She pulled away from Clay’s mouth, her hand dragging down his arm to his hip, pushing at his jeans.

The smile in Nate’s voice made her quiver. “That’s my girl. Show him what you want.”

She clenched her sex around Louis’s cock, making him shout, as she pulled the now naked Clay closer. Her head was even with his impossibly thick erection. It was a thing of beauty. She had to taste it. She bit her lip and glanced up at Clay for approval.

The big man shuddered, closing his eyes for a long moment before nodded, moving closer to her mouth with his cock clenched firmly in his fist. “Anything you want, angel.”

She reached out to touch Louis’s stomach as he pumped inside her, relaxing her jaw to open her mouth over the wide head of Clay’s arousal. Dark and sinful, she licked him, loving the sounds Clay was making. Loving that she could make him react like this. She could taste the salty liquid that had already pearled on the tip and swallowed. Delicious.

Time lost meaning. Only sensation mattered. Louis inside her body, Clay filling her mouth, his hand curled in her hair. She was theirs. She belonged to them. In every way that mattered. Their moans fed her and her curvy body was not a hindrance, but a vessel for pleasure.

Louis stopped, and Truly cried out against Clay’s cock in denial. Why had he stopped? Clay tugged on her hair tenderly, backing away and she felt tears gather in her eyes. They wouldn’t leave her like this would they? They wouldn’t take her to these heights only to walk away.

“Honey, shhh. We aren’t going anywhere.” Louis tried to soothe her, but his labored breathing and gruff voice made it difficult. He was just as caught in the throes as she was. As they all were.
