Page 6 of Truly Scrumptious

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ated breath. “No, I don’t. I apologize. My behavior was inexcusable. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I wouldn’t blame you if you decided not to work for us anymore.”

It sounded sincere, but a red haze filled Truly’s vision, and suspicion burned through her cooling body. She’d just been thinking it hadn’t she? Just allowed herself to feel guilty for crossing that line. And he was using it to his advantage. Oh, he was a bastard.

“Is that why you did this? You thought because of what Robert told you about my old boss, that all you had to do was put a move or two on me and I’d call it quits?” She shook her head, straightening her blouse, trying not to groan aloud at the wet spot over her left breast. “Your sister was right about you. You do sabotage yourself. But you’re not the only one paying for my services. Louis and Clay deserve to be successful. They deserve what I can do for them. I won’t let you ruin it for them.”

She headed for the door, trying not to cry as she growled at the frozen man over her shoulder, “Talk to your partners if you want me out, but don’t waste your time pretending you can’t control yourself around me. I’m not an idiot. I’m no more your type than you are mine.”

Her shaky hand pushed open the refrigerator door, and she rushed out with her head down until she was stopped by an impenetrable wall of flesh.


He grabbed her shoulders and set her back on her feet. “Hey there, what’s the hurry?”

When she didn’t respond he lifted her chin, his warm, friendly green gaze studying her intently. “TS? What’s wrong?”

Her lower lip wobbled, and she cursed her weakness. She stepped back, away from his gentling touch, and crossed her arms across her chest protectively. “I’m fine, Clay. You just make sure you’re ready with your best dessert recipe tonight. Make sure you’re all ready.”

Truly walked away before he could respond, knowing she needed to take her own advice. She had to get her head on straight. This was her chance to prove herself. Her chance to show everyone that Brunch with Laura wasn’t a fluke. That she was good at what she did.

There was no question the men of The Iron Horse had what it took. All talented, gorgeous, and single, they would turn the culinary world on its ear. Housewives and college students alike would salivate over the threesome. She’d already put a bug in the ear of one of the Food Network execs. A little sprucing up and some creative advertising, and the chefs would be able to write their own ticket. And so would she.

She wasn’t going to let anything—not this brain-draining lust or Nate’s stubborn resistance to change—stop her.

Chapter Three

“No, Mom. I’m fine.” Truly held the phone between her ear and shoulder as she closed the door to her condo with a bump of her hip. “Well, Shelly doesn’t know what she’s talking about.” She paused to listen to her mother’s rapid, worried speech. “Tell Dad I don’t need any money. No…no…if you send me a check I’ll tear it up.”

Truly sighed. Ever since she’d moved to Denver from upstate New York over a decade ago, her parents had been sure she’d be calling home and asking for a return ticket any day. Not that they weren’t proud of everything she did, or thought that she would fail. Truly knew it was just the fact that no one in her family, including her talkative cousin, Shelly, had ever left the state. Hell, the neighborhood. Which was one of the reasons she’d gotten out as soon as she’d had the chance.

She set down her bag of groceries and looked at the clock on the stove. “Mom, I have to go. I’m shooting a promotional video tonight.” Truly opened and closed her mouth several times as her mother continued to fire questions at her. “I’m hanging up now. I love you. Give Dad a kiss for me.”

Her mother finally relented, saying goodbye and allowing Truly to hang up her cell phone. She sighed. She was going to have to call her cousin and remind her what the word secret actually meant.

She slid off her heels and thought about putting away her small bag of yogurt and frozen dinners before jumping in the shower. She wasn’t looking forward to tonight. To seeing Nate and Clay and Louis so soon.


She looked down at her answering machine and saw the blinking light. Maybe it was one of her contacts. Or the foodie blogger she’d been trying to get in touch with. She pushed the button.

“TS, it’s Clive. Listen… I need you back. Laura has been a mess without you, our sponsors are threatening to pull their spots and your replacement doesn’t know her ass from a hole in the ground.”

Truly snorted. Of course she didn’t. Clive had no doubt hired a woman with the tiniest waist and shortest skirt he could find. She doubted he’d looked at the poor girl’s resume at all.

She listened as he continued. “It all just got blown out of proportion. I was joking. You know me. I mean.” He chuckled nervously. “That girl, well, she liked it rough. She was just too embarrassed to tell you after you’d caught us in the act, so to speak. And it wasn’t as if I actually came on to you, TS. And you never have to worry that I will, if that’s what you’re thinking. You’re talented as hell, but you aren’t really attract…that is, I would never jeopardize our business relationship.” He paused and took an audible breath before changing the subject. “Word on the street is you’ve found some new talent. I’d be happy to—”

She shut off the machine before he could finish, her whole body shaking. Not really attractive. That’s what he’d been about to say. His self-preservation switch had no doubt flipped on, though he’d already given her enough ammunition to take to a lawyer. Bastard. Maybe she should sue. She would if he tried to steal her clients away. They were hers. All three of them.

Not really attractive. The phrase continued to repeat like a mantra in her head as she shed her clothes and started the shower. She looked at herself in the mirror and made a face.

In candlelight with a miracle slip that hugged her in, she wouldn’t look too bad. In the harsh fluorescent bathroom light, she was a mess. The wind and hours with that ridiculous hard hat on had turned her curls into a ruby red rat’s nest, her makeup had long since worn off…and her body. Ugh. Apart from the fact that she was pale to the point of translucence, she’d obviously also gained a few pounds since she’d been fired.

It was Clay’s fault. He’d brought her a tiny confection every day since they’d started working together. He wanted her opinion, he said. Sweet for a sweet, he said. And Louis wasn’t any better. That man had a way with food. He seemed to keep a picnic basket in his car at all times, filled with tempting, savory treats.

They were an interesting pair. In the past few weeks Truly had seen all manner of stunning women, from decorators to strangers on the street, throw themselves at the two luscious morsels. Though Louis would lavish them with his special charm and make them blush and laugh, and Clay would be the gentleman any woman would be proud to take home to their mother, it was obvious neither man was interested. The only woman they’d shown any passion for was her.

The only woman. Not the only person. There was a difference.

Robert had bet her after that first meeting that Louis was bisexual. As someone with the same sexual preferences, he decided he was an authority. He hadn’t known about Clay.
