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He chuckled and wrapped his arms around her. “It’s all going to work out fine, Charli. Don’t overthink it. Let’s go get something to eat. I’m famished.”

“Bill’s a wee bit shy, poor dear. We’ve decided to skip the last challenge and head back to the boat. So I can tackle the man in private.” Betsy giggled over the rim of her beer bottle, making the other girls chuckle. “Don’t worry though, we’ve given our portion of the kitty to Shelly. Whoever wins, they can have it. It was all worth it as far as I’m concerned.”

The damn bet. Charli wasn’t sure how she felt about it. It had given her the evening of her dreams. Fantasy after fantasy, most buried so deep she hadn’t even admitted them to herself. But she couldn’t help thinking about tomorrow. How would they be able to go on as they had been, after all they’d done together here?

“I don’t know about points, but as far as speed is concerned, I definitely made up my time from the first challenge with this last one. We were the first to arrive here, after all.”

Charli made a face at Natalie. And she’d thought she was competitive. Poor Dawn looked totally cowed by the dominatrix from hell. “I don’t know, Tim and Dawn have aced everything so far. My team, on the other hand…”

Dawn smiled gratefully. “Well, I only have to worry about one man, Charli. I don’t know how I’d handle…um… No offense.”

“None taken.”

Charli glanced over her shoulder, slipping a salsa-laden chip in her mouth as she studied her “team”. Rafael and Eric were talking intensely, Raf’s dramatic hand gestures telling her he was on the offensive. Simon stood beside them at the bar, nursing a beer in silence. He looked different. Distant. Had it already begun then? The change she’d been dreading?

“Ma’am?” It was Florenz. “May I talk to you for a moment, in private?” She nodded, excusing herself to join the handsome guide in a far corner, away from listening ears. “Your friends, the ones who paid for your excursion? They instructed me to give you this note now.”

Another note? Great. What now? “Thank you, Florenz. And please, for the sake of my sanity, call me Charli.” He stood over her, hiding her from view of the others while she read it.

My dearest,

If you’ve made it to this point without running back to the boat and “cracking some skulls”, bravo! I’m proud of you. The boys have always been mad about you, and so protective, I knew you’d be fine. The last challenge is a doozy, but if you’re as brave as I know you are, you’ll take it. Yes, yes, I know what you’re thinking. I’ve run this race before…isn’t it divine? Don’t be mad at Connie, I talked her into it. And I wasn’t alone, but that’s the only clue you get from me.

I’ve always wanted you to be happy. It may be a little unconventional, but you know what I always say, the more the merrier.

Love and Kisses,

Aunt Kelly

“I think Shelly might be looking for you.” Simon stood beside Florenz, a threatening smile on his face.

The young guide backed away, hands in the air. “I’m sure she is. Good luck on the rest of the race, you two.”

“That was rude, Simon. And entirely unnecessary.” Charli handed Simon the note. “What do you think she means, she wasn’t alone?”

Simon shrugged, shoving the note in his pocket. “Who knows? Lee maybe? It’s not really his style though. Besides, he’s been way too distracted with his wedding to plan something like this.”

He took a swig of beer, looking over her shoulder. “Does it matter how we got here? I’d think you’d be more concerned about what happens next.” He laughed. “Don’t look so surprised, Chuck. It’s not as if we’re total strangers. No one knows you better than I do.”

“I know. What a mess.”

He turned to face her. “Is it? Eric and Rafael are talking again, and we’ve all been having a hell of a time. You certainly seemed to be enjoying yourself.”

She blushed. “I am, it’s just—”

“Just nothing. Enjoy it, Charli. Let us make you feel good. And, if along the way, we win a thousand bucks to play the tables on the ship, all the better right?”

“Yeah. All the better. I think I need another drink.” She walked over to the bar, away from Rafael and Eric, away from the other players. She didn’t want them to see her face, or they’d be on her in a heartbeat. She felt like she’d been sucker punched in the stomach.

She’d just discovered something. Simon didn’t know her that well after all.

Chapter Five

It was nighttime now. Somewhere nearby there was a party going on. Charli could hear the music and cheers. She’d have to come to Cozumel again someday, maybe actually see the city, as opposed to the strip clubs and kinky back rooms. She chuckled to herself.

“We’ve arrived at the last challenge! Hopefully the food and drink revived you, because you’re going to need a little more energy to get through it.” Shelly beamed and looked at Florenz, who continued for her.

“No clue, we will just tell you straight out. You’ve opened your minds, allowed yourselves to trust your partners, and this last part is about giving in. Regardless of time or place. Regardless of worries and rules. Totally giving in to pleasure.”
