Page 19 of Angel (Made Men 5)

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“Okay,” she whispered back with a chill from his harshness as he dropped his arm from her and put distance between them once again.

She didn’t know what he wanted to speak about, only able to assume it had to do with Joey. Nevertheless, a part of her had to know. Was she dumb to agree to it? Probably. But nuggets were involved, and that was all she needed.

As they reached the classroom, from Joey’s fierce expression, she could only wonder if Angel would still be living and breathing when she came back out. Before heading in, she silently gave him a good freakin’ luck face.

The second the girls touched their seats, they began talking, with Adalyn leaning over first.

“I need another favor.”

“Oh God, not again,” Lake groaned, unable to keep any more secrets from Vincent.

“I just need you to not want to get chicken nuggets so I can speak to Angel alone, because I don’t think Joey is going to give us many chances,” she spoke quickly, as if the favor wasn’t a big deal.

“Adalyn, do you think that’s safe?”

“He’s not going to try anything in a public place. If he does, I’ll scream.”

Lake nodded, knowing full well she was capable of that. “Do you think he did it?”

Adalyn didn’t answer right away, carefully thinking hard about whether he did or not. “I don’t think he did.”

“Well, that doesn’t sound very convincing!” Lake whispered harshly.

“I can’t say for certain because I wasn’t there, but my gut says no. It really doesn’t make sense for him to kill Tom. That’s too obvious, if you think about it.”

Lake was silent, thinking about her words, clearly knowing what Adalyn said made sense. “I hope for your sake he didn’t.”

She was confused. “My sake?”

“Yes, because you like him; I can tell.” Her best friend stopped her before she could object. “And someone as hot as him shouldn’t be wasted. Did you ever find out if he can ride a skateboard?”

She began to laugh, figuring it might be more for Lake’s sake than hers. “No, but something tells me I shouldn’t tell you if I find out he can.”

“I think I’d hate you forever if you kept that vision from me.”

I actually wouldn’t blame you.

“But do me a favor?” Lake asked.


“Don’t tell me if he can’t.” Anyone could practically see Angel riding the skateboard in her eyes. “You’ll ruin it.”

The girls continued to talk about Tom’s death during class and throughout the day, trying to figure out who could have done it. One thing was for sure; it didn’t look good for Angel or his family.

With their morning classes over, they headed to the cafeteria to meet up with Elle and Maria, finding them both eating salads today.

“Is Maria rubbing off on you, Elle?”

“It’s good to have a salad every now and then,” Elle told her, but the way she was staring at it, Adalyn wasn’t sure if she was trying to convince her or herself.

“Yes, a big, hearty salad with chicken, not a side salad,” Adalyn corrected her.

“Yeah, I’m gonna get a cheeseburger.” Lake gawked at a student who had just sat down with one.

Elle looked over to see what she was staring at. Unable to resist, she said, “Can you grab an extra one for me?”

With them all laughing but one, Maria looked over at her in disappointment. “Weak.”

“Don’t worry, Elle.” Adalyn smiled at her. “I’m weak, too, because I’m going to get chicken nuggets. You all have fun.” She quickly turned to leave with Angel, hoping it would be left at that.

“Where do you think you’re going, Luciano?” Joey’s hard voice was the one who stopped them.

“Taking her to get her nuggets,” Angel answered.

He put a hand on Angel’s chest, stopping him. “I don’t fucking think so.”

“Lucca assigned me to her.” Looking him dead in the eyes, he kept his voice even. “She’s my responsibility.”

The girls all sat there, stunned at what was unfolding before them. I like this Angel.

“I’m not leaving you alone with her.”

“Then follow behind us.” Angel pushed forward, forcing Joey’s hand from his chest.

“I wouldn’t even give you the credit card to pay for her food,” Joey practically spat at him.

“Don’t. I’ll pay for it.” He shrugged, still walking away.

Practically laughing, Joey couldn’t help getting one last dig in. “Your money is dirty.”

Angel stopped. Turning around, he came up to Joey, chest to chest, his voice holding a deadly tone now that his family had been brought into it. “Exactly what makes you think your money is clean?”

Adalyn knew what he meant by that. The Carusos didn’t earn their money one hundred percent legally either.

“It’s cleaner than your family’s fuckin’ gun money.”

“Dirty money is dirty money. And unfortunately for you, you’re just as dirty as me.”

Joey put his face closer to Angel’s. “How do you sleep at night when you hear a kid was killed by a gun your family sold?”
