Page 33 of Angel (Made Men 5)

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“Angel?” Vincent stood up from his chair.

Sal finally turned around. “Yeah, that a problem?”

“Fuck yeah, it is,” Vincent told him straight up. “I can’t have him taking my girls to the movies. Lucca might trust him, but I sure as fuck don’t.”

Nero kept quiet, but by the look on his face, he didn’t seem to like it either.

“He’s making us look like assholes right now. Plus, you really trust him with Elle?” Vincent looked at Nero, already knowing the answer.

“Fuck,” Nero cursed. “Did they leave already?”

“Yeah, about five minutes ag—”

“I’m going.” His green eyes lit up fiercely.

“Fuck it, me, too.” Vincent started to follow him, regardless if he was about to get denied. “Sal, can you cover for me? I’ll owe you.”

“You leaving is doing me a favor,” Sal muttered.

“Jealousy…” He was starting to get really tired of everyone’s shit. It’s not my fault I was blessed with this face. “That’s why you fuckers are ugly.”


A One-Way Ticket to Hell

The girls just stood there, watching Angel in awe as he went to get their movie tickets. Well, all of them except Maria.

Flipping her blonde locks behind her shoulder, she tried to reel them in. “If you three stare at him much longer, you’re going to creep him the hell out.”

“Yeah, you two already have men; quit staring at him like a piece of meat,” Adalyn told them.

Elle finally turned her eyes away from him to look at her. “You stare at Nero like he is, and you don’t hear me complain.”

“Yeah, but you’re nice, and Nero wouldn’t ever leave you. See him?” Pointing at the sexy, tatted bad boy, she continued, “I would like to have him. It doesn’t mean I’ll get him, but I’d like to. And if by some freaking miracle God lets me have him, I’m definitely not going to be able to keep him if you two don’t quit it!”

Maria practically snorted. “You’re crazier than I thought if you think God wants you to be with him.”

“Why not?” Sure, he was hot, bad, and maybe not the nicest person, but hell, that was exactly what she was looking for.

The blonde’s eyes travelled all over him. “He’s got about a hundred sins all over his body, and a one-way ticket to hell, I promise you that.”

“Well, if so, I want to go with him,” she breathed, thinking about all the sinful things she wanted to do with him.

“Mmhmm …” Lake and Elle cooed.

A cough right behind them had them turning around to see Nero and Vincent.

Elle looked like a deer in headlights. “What are you doing here?”

“Y-yeah, I thought you had to work?” Lake was just as surprised.

Vincent put on a great show. “We felt really bad for not being able to take you girls, so we asked Sal if he could cover for us.”

“I bet you did.” If they believe that horseshit, I’ll smack ’em.

Angel came back with the tickets and passed them out to each girl. They couldn’t help giving him a big smile with the sweetest “thank you” you had ever heard.

Nero grabbed Elle’s waist, pulling her back to stand beside him.

Vincent also quickly snatched Lake by putting his arm around her and pulling her to his side. There seemed to be a bit of hastiness in his voice when he said, “Hey, man, we’re gonna need two more.”

Sliding the last ticket in his pocket, he didn’t seem to care. “Then I’d go get them before they sell out.”

Vincent started to see red, and Nero seemed to get a little pissed, too, as he leaned over and snatched up a ticket out of Todd, Maria’s bodyguard’s, hand.

Well, that was a little rude.

The pretty boy couldn’t believe he was left to fend for himself, but then he found a ticket in his hand.

“I’ll go get them.” Maria had barely put them in his hand before she stormed off.

Her eyes didn’t move as she glided across the floor. It was almost like an out-of-body experience. Her mind didn’t catch up to what she was doing until their bodies hit each other.

His reflex was fast, turning around to catch and steady her. “Are you all right?”

“I’m so sorry. I must’ve not been paying attention.” She acted surprised and a bit disoriented.

Looking back at Todd, who had followed her, she let him know she was all right. Please stay put.

“I think you’re making this a bit of a habit.” He laughed.

She let herself look up into his golden eyes. “Oh no, not you again. Now I feel awful.”

“Don’t.” He continued to hold her up, not letting her go. “What’s your name again? Maria, right?”

Smiling, she was happy that he remembered. “Yes. I’m sorry. Remind me of yours—”

“Kayne Evans.”

“That’s right.” It was hard to look away from him.

They both stared into the other’s eyes for a few moments until he finally dropped his hands from her after realizing he hadn’t let her go yet.
