Page 40 of Angel (Made Men 5)

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He looked over at her strangely for a moment but continued walking.

“What did Lucca say to you?” she whispered. “Do you think he knows what happened in the elevator?”

Opening the door for the stairs for her, he grinned. “Oh no, we just talked about family stuff.”

She stopped, staring at him for a second. Wasn’t his tattoo on the …?

Shaking her head, she went through the door, and then they headed down the steps, going through the casino and out to the parking garage.

“This’ll do.” He smiled before he tossed his board down and jumped on.

Adalyn’s mouth fell open at the speed he took off in. Her head moved around and around as she watched him weave through the huge parking garage. When he jumped midair, spinning the board with his feet, she almost passed the fuck out. No way in hell is Lake ever seeing him do this.

Heading straight toward her, Angel turned his board at the last second and began riding around her in circles. “Wanna learn how to ride, sweetness?”

It was hard for her to think while watching the sexy bad boy spin around her. “I don’t … I don’t think I can.”

“Sure you can.” He got off, coming up behind her and grabbing her by the waist. Leaning down, he whispered in her ear, “I’ll help you.”

Adalyn didn’t have to be told twice. She placed a foot on the skateboard and lightly pushed with her other to get it to move. Wobbling and falling off every second, she was thankful Angel held her steady. She tried again and again, but even with the baby increments, she couldn’t stop falling off, making her die of laughter.

“I think I’m helpless here.”

Finding it funny, too, he held her waist tighter. “Nah, I got all day to teach you.”

She continued to have the best time with him as he helplessly taught her how to ride a skateboard. After about an hour, she had graduated to being able to only hold his hand while she glided the board on the concrete beneath her. However, as she hit her first rock while laughing so hard, she almost flew straight off the board. Angel’s sharp reflexes, though, had him catching her.

“Whoa, sweetness.” He held her tightly, moving his face closer to hers. “I think I deserve something for saving your life.”

Staring up at him, she bit her bottom lip. “What do you want?”

When his lips touched hers, she should have been prepared, knowing full well it had been coming, yet she still hadn’t anticipated it.

This kiss was different than the rest he had given her, not rough or demanding like the others but sensual and precise as he smoothed his tongue over her bottom lip where she had bitten it. It might have not been what she had expected, but it sure was equally as sexy. She almost couldn’t believe that it was Angel until she opened her eyes again.

“That’s a start,” he told her with a grin.

Adalyn laughed at him. “That’s a start? What else do you want?”

“I thought you might give me the ring back, since I saved your life and all.”

“Oh, now I see why you’ve been so nice to me today.” Wiggling out of his arms, she wasn’t going to let him know it might be working.

Taking her hand, he pulled her close again. “Come on, sweetness; I’ll let you have a lot more than a kiss if you give it ba—”

“No, you won’t,” a low voice spoke from behind them.

Nothing in this world would have ever prepared her for what she saw when she turned around.

Adalyn opened her mouth to scream, but a tatted hand covered it before a sound could escape.

What the …? While she continued to scream into his hand, her eyes flew back and forth.

They landed on the one who she had just been skateboarding with. Angel?

Then she looked at the hooded one. And Angel?

“I take it you didn’t tell her you had a twin.” Angel number one or two, or whoever the fuck wasn’t holding her mouth, said.

She screamed even louder. A twin!

The hooded Angel held her mouth tighter, trying to dampen the sound. “Obviously not, fucker, or you wouldn’t have gotten this far with her.”

Non-hooded Angel’s smile quickly turned to concern. “She’s gonna pass out if you don’t get her to stop.”

“Adalyn, calm the hell down!” Angel with a hood whispered harshly.

Stopping suddenly, she came to the realization that the hooded one was the Angel she knew.

The second he pulled his hand from her mouth, she tried her best to keep her voice down as she asked, “Who the fuck is he? And why does he look like you?”

“Wow, that was fast.” Angel whoever-the-hell laughed from her instantly knowing which Angel was her Angel.

“This is Matthias, my twin brother,” Angel said as if it weren’t obvious enough.
