Page 5 of Angel (Made Men 5)

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Maria looked the tatted newcomer up and down. “Why is he here?”

I guess she knows exactly who he is, which was good considering she still had no freaking clue.

“Because your brother gave him this job,” Tom answered.

“You’re kidding?” Maria laughed before she pulled her phone from her Louis Vuitton bag and dialed a number before putting it to her ear. “Why the hell is—” was all she got out before she went silent, listening to the other end of the call for several moments. By the time she ended the call, her face had gone from quickly thinking it was a joke to the hard expression she had worn when she had seen him getting out of the car.

An unbothered Angel stood there, uncaring, like she wasn’t even talking about him.

The mafia princess wanted to make something clear. “He better not be for me,” she told Tom.

“Lucca didn’t assign him to you,” Tom reassured her.

Flipping her beautiful blonde, long locks behind her shoulder, she walked up to the dangerous-looking man. Her already long legs, made more so by her tall stilettos, made her not much shorter than him.

“I’m not sure what Lucca was thinking assigning you to this job, but we better not have a problem.”

Adalyn, Lake, and Elle all looked at each other with oh-shit faces.

His dark gray eyes bore into the blonde who had threatened him. “Let’s hope not, princess,” he said, showing he knew exactly who she was, too.

“Um … Are we missing something here?” Adalyn could no longer stand not knowing what the fucking hell was going on.

“He’s a Luciano.” Maria stepped back, practically spitting out the last of her words at his feet. “But not just any Luciano. He’s Lucifer’s son.”

Oh fuck.

“I would like to go to class now,” Elle said before walking off with a Caruso following right behind her.

It was obvious to the rest of them why she had to leave. Elle had protected her best friend, Chloe, all through high school after her friend had been kidnapped and scarred by the one they called Lucifer.

Lucifer Luciano was the mob boss of the Luciano family … until recently, when Lucca removed him from not only the family but this earth. At least, Adalyn was pretty sure Lucca had gutted him after he’d kidnapped Chloe once more, wanting to finish what he had started years ago. Except this time, it was from the Caruso family home.

“Don’t ever go near Elle or speak to her,” Maria threatened him. “She’s the only person Chloe told what happened to her years ago, and they’ve been best friends ever since.”

This time, Angel nodded his head in understanding.

For the first time, Adalyn saw something different behind his gray eyes. What it was exactly, she didn’t know.

“Okay, I think it’s time you all get to class,” Tom interrupted.

Maria walked past Angel, being sure to knock into his shoulder.

Staring at Angel … Luciano, everything that happened between him and Adalyn became a different story. It was a Luciano who had stolen from Lucca. A Luciano who had pulled her into the closet and, like Maria said, not just any Luciano. He’s Lucifer’s son.

A chill went up her spine at the realization that the thing that had been nagging at the back of her mind since she had met him was correct. Angel did come from the fucking Devil himself.

He is the spawn of Satan.

Thank God, was all Adalyn could think when they took their seats at the very back of the jam-packed class while Tom and Angel waited outside the door. Their seats sat very close together thankfully, so they could whisper to one another without disturbing anyone. At least, they hoped.

Adalyn pulled her friend in closer to her. Finding out who Angel was changed things, and she was going to definitely need help in the future. “I have to tell you something, and you have to promise to keep it a secret.”

“Does it have anything to do with Angel?” Lake asked, knowing her all too well.

“Um …”

“Adalyn!” Lake whispered harshly. “I can’t promise to keep something away from Vincent if it involves Lucifer’s son!”

Stunned, she stared at her best friend since forever. “So, you’re picking my brother over me? I thought it was hoes before bros?”

“Will you stop pulling that card? You used that on me last week when you wanted McDonalds at one a.m., and I told you I couldn’t just ‘steal’ Vincent’s car while he was sleeping to come pick you up to get you some damn chicken nuggets.”

“Yes, and I’ll never forgive you for that,” she huffed, crossing her arms.

“Oh, my gosh … You know you could have just taken yourself, right?”

“No, because then I would have been a shameful fat-ass who needed McDonalds at one in the morning. Everyone knows that if you go with a friend in the middle of the night, it’s considered ‘cool.’ It’s like an unspoken rule.”
