Page 5 of Drago (Made Men 6)

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Drago lifted his fingers, and unlike Lucca, he grabbed her chin, holding it tightly between his finger and thumb to force her eyes to his. “What’s your name, sweetheart?”

“Katarina.” Her voice came out huskier than he would have thought was possible for her age. “Katarina Luciano.”

He stared down at her. She sure as fuck wasn’t what he wanted. She was far too young for his taste and was definitely not his type, wearing too dark eye makeup and leather. He preferred a more natural look. She not only fit the Luciano esthetic of a rougher vibe, but she looked like a Luciano, not to mention she fucking was one. The worst kind. Three words were whispering through his mind over and over as he continued to stare at her. The devil’s daughter.

Drago had been close to choosing with his dick, but now something much more satisfying was going to decide who it was he was going to marry, and it was going to taste so sweet. Dropping his hand from the tiny chin, he looked over at his underboss, the slight smile visible to him finally. You really are a sick fuck.

Unable to stop himself from glancing at her once more, he let himself do so only for a split second before he looked back at Lucca. Quickly, he nodded, giving his final decision to his underboss before he turned to walk out.

“What does that mean?” Cassius asked, raising his voice louder when the solemn room didn’t answer. “What does that fuckin’ mean?!”

Matthias was the one to grab his little brother up to keep them from all getting killed.

Drago didn’t look back. The bullets the Lucianos had driven deep into his heart had killed it. He made his decision the second he saw her devil eyes, and the ruin he was going to cause that fucking family might finally give him a full night’s rest since he’d been at the gates of Hell.

Payback wasn’t a bitch. It was a fucking monster.


If you thought this was going to be a love story where they fall in love the second their eyes met… you were wrong. This isn’t it.


Love a Luciano

“Wouldn’t he like to go out on a date with Katarina or one of the others before he chooses?” Dominic was scrambling.

“He has made his decision,” Vinny said.

Katarina stood there, shell-shocked, staring blankly in front of her, where the man she might soon be calling her husband stood. He had only looked at her for mere seconds before he nodded his head, then disappeared from the room. And just like that her whole life was supposed to fucking change.

“What is the rush? It’s not like they have to get married right this second.”

“No, but we expect a marriage by the end of the month.”


“For fuck’s sake.” Dominic watched as Vinny and Lucca walked toward the door. He tried one more time. “Lucca, please.” He grabbed his arm, stopping the Caruso underboss knowing very well doing so could end his life. Looking into his eyes, he pleaded, “I’m only asking for them to spend one day together. That’s it.”

Lucca was silent for several moments, as if he was contemplating several different ways to kill him, before he finally answered with a slight tilt to his lips. “One day, Dominic. That’s it.”

“Thank you.” A huge sigh of relief escaped him as he let him go. “Thank you.”

The Carusos left with a few final words from Vinny. “We will be in touch.”

Hearing the door slam should have knocked her out of her shocked trance, but it didn’t. Instead, she kept staring straight forward, replaying the images of him choosing her again and again.

“He picked Kat, didn’t he?” Cassius asked solemnly.

Finally letting him go, Matthias confirmed by nodding his head.

“Get out!” Dominic roared to the women who were in the room before they all quickly scattered out the door.

The youngest brother vowed, “We can’t let them get away with this.”

“We’re not.” Dominic came over to Katarina, placing his hands on her shoulders. “You’re not—” He stared down into her black depths. “—I don’t give a fuck what you do on that day you spend with him, but you be the biggest fucking pain in the ass he has ever dealt with. Make him not want to fucking look at you a moment longer, make being around you unbearable. Be the motherfucking biggest bitch there ever was and make him fuckin’ regret wanting to pick you, Kat.”

Her other two brothers came to stand beside them, both nodding their heads in agreement.

“You don’t get it,” she whispered as her eyes turned glossy. They didn’t see it, couldn’t see it. “He hated me the second he saw me because he knew exactly who I was. There is nothing I can do that will make him hate me any more than he already does, and nothing is going to change his mind from marrying me because… this is his revenge.”
