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A hopeful glint enters her eyes as she steps even closer, invading more of my space. “Wait a minute—aren’t you dating Brayden Kendricks?”

A bark of laughter explodes from my lips. As I open my mouth to tell her that I am most certainly not dating the dark-haired football player—that I would never date him—firm lips collide with mine, cutting off any further protest.

Chapter Eight


Every muscle in Sydney’s body goes rigid as my mouth crashes onto hers. One arm snakes around her waist as I haul her close. Her eyes widen before narrowing when she realizes who has a firm hold on her.

That would be when her struggles begin in earnest.

I almost shake my head at my own stupidity. This girl is going to fight me tooth and nail.

Undeterred by her response, I sweep my tongue across the seam of her lips. When she presses them together, I pull away enough to whisper, “Open for me.”

“Are you insane?” she snarls in response.


The moment she snaps at me, I take the opportunity to delve inside.

Am I taking my own life into my hands?

You bet your damn ass I am. But it’s a risk I’m willing to take.

My tongue sweeps inside to tangle with her own. This is where I need to be cautious. A quick retreat might become necessary. I wouldn’t put it past Sydney to bite me.


I give Kira a little side-eye, hoping this affectionate display will be enough to satisfy her curiosity and that it won’t become necessary to take this charade any further. The entire issue can be laid to rest, and we can all move on with our lives.


It could happen.

Kira continues to watch us like a hawk as I lock lips with Sydney. Her arms are folded across her ample chest and her eyes are narrowed in speculation. She doesn’t look the least bit convinced.

Which is a problem, because I’m not sure how much longer I can keep the blonde subdued. Any moment, she’s going to break loose, and then I’ll probably be sporting a black eye as a party favor. Just a little reminder not to tangle with this chick ever again.

Sydney’s steely palms slap against my chest before she gives me a hard shove, attempting to fight her way free of my embrace. Left without further recourse, I break contact. Her wide gaze searches mine in confusion.

“I need you to go with this,” I mutter under my breath.

Before I can explain the situation, a perturbed voice interrupts. “So, you two really are a thing?”


Damn. I was kind of hoping she would have taken off by now.

I clear my throat as my gaze stays fastened onto the feisty female in my arms. “Yup, it’s official. We’re together.”

Sydney’s eyes widen. “What—”

“Are you being serious, dude?” Asher’s deep voice booms over the crowd and cuts her off. “Like you’re legit seeing someone? When did you decide to be monotonous?” That guy always seems to appear exactly when I don’t need him to.

“I think you meant to say monogamous,” I mutter.

“Same damn thing,” he says with a snort.

I glance reluctantly at him. Given the fact that we’re a few hours into this party, he looks surprisingly clear-eyed. He has a chick tucked beneath each brawny arm. Their hands are pressed against his chest as they stare up at me owlishly, as if even they can’t believe I’ve decided to get serious about someone.

For fuck’s sake. Is it really that difficult to believe I might be interested in settling down?

Sydney tries again. “I think—”

I crush her stiff body against mine before dropping a kiss against the top of her head. “That it’s time for everyone to know the truth? I couldn’t agree more, babe.”

With a huffed-out breath, she tilts her head to meet my gaze before narrowing her eyes.

Asher shakes his head as if he’s still having a hard time wrapping his brain around this new development. “I never thought I’d see the day. First Michaels and now you. One by one, we’re all falling to the wayside. It’s like an epidemic. When the hell did this happen? Why all the secrecy?”

With each added question, more people take interest and gather around like we’re a circus sideshow act. For fuck’s sake, my dating life isn’t that interesting.

Go back to your lives, people. There’s nothing to see here.

Someone needs to give Asher a beer. He’s entirely too sober if he’s bombarding me with this many questions. It’s a real shocker that he can remain so focused.

“That’s exactly what I was wondering,” Kira pipes up. “Why keep it a secret?”

I glare at the tawny-haired girl, hoping she’ll shut her pie hole. I’ve had about as much as I can take from her. She’s the reason I’m in this mess to begin with. Now she’s just adding to it for shits and giggles.

“Looks like congratulations are in order, dude. If you’re looking to be tied down, then I’m happy for you. I guess that means more chicks for me. See? Sometimes you gotta look at the bright side of things.” There’s a pause. “Although, I don’t think I’d mind being strapped down and restrained by that one.” He winks at Sydney. “Hey, beautiful.”
