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Nicole just smiled and hot-footed it out to the car before I could make a grab for her and haul her back to the bedroom. As I gaze down at her now, I have to admit, she looks fucking amazing. But, she’ll definitely be paying for her disobedience later.

I pull her tight into my side as we wave to the eager crowd. They beg for a kiss, so I dip Nicole dramatically low and give them what they want. Nicole laughs as I lift her back up, her cheeks a sweet pink, and her blue eyes glowing brightly.

Everyone was incredibly excited for the premiere of The First Time. It had taken almost seven months to get the movie finished because they had to shift around the schedule to accommodate Nicole’s growing stomach, and post production had taken another six months.

The studio used the time wisely though and launched a massive marketing campaign for the movie. They had the fans chomping at the bit for the release. Opening weekend, we broke a few box office records in more than one country.

Now, we are attending the Oscars with several nominations, including Best Actress in a Leading Role. I’m so fucking proud of my woman and can’t wait to act with her in another project. We’ve been sought out for a couple of movies as the leading roles, but the offer we are most interested in is a television show they want to write just for us. It would mean less time on the road, always being together, and we’d have an easier time working around Nicole’s next pregnancy.

My brother and his wife are waiting just ahead, having arrived a few cars before us. Nicole and Shelby hug while Theo and I shake hands. He’s received a nomination for Best Original Score for The First Time, but he’s also up for Best Original song for another movie. He wrote it for Shelby and she sings the theme on the album, which won her a Grammy.

We walk as a group to the photo area and pose before continuing on into the theater. Ty is lounging against a wall, and I lift my chin in greeting. But he doesn’t even notice me. His eyes are glued to someone in the throng of people to my left.

Nicole must notice it too because she stands on her tip-toes and cranes her neck trying to spot whomever it is. After a minute, her face lights up and she grins, then bee-lines straight for Ty, tugging me along.

“Still won’t give you the time of day, huh?” she prods.

Ty jumps, clearly startled by my little starlet’s arrival. He frowns down at my wife and grumbles, “I have no clue what you’re talking about.”

Nicole opens her mouth to respond but freezes before she gets a word out. She slaps a hand over her mouth and takes off. Concerned, I stay with her until she ducks into the ladies’ bathroom.

I wait for a few seconds but when another woman opens the door and I hear the sound of retching, I bust in and rush to the stall where Nicole is bent over the toilet, losing her dinner.

Gently, I gather her hair and lift it away from her face, murmuring soothing words until she’s finished and sits back. Worry fills my mind as I help her stand and go to the sink where she digs through her purse and pulls out a tiny bottle of mouthwash. She rinses as the color begins to return to her face. Nicole rarely gets sick unless…

Elation replaces my anxiety and my smile is so big I’m surprised it doesn’t break my face. I spin her around and she scowls at the look on my face. “Why are you—”

“You haven’t gotten your period yet, right?” I interrupt, already confident that I’m right.

Nicole’s clear blue eyes widen and blink owlishly at me. “No,” she denies as she shakes her head. “I can’t—but, but—”

I think about the timing and can’t help puffing up with pride. “I bet I knocked you up the first time after the doctor gave us the all-clear,” I brag. If I could, I’d pat my sperm on the back. Excellent work, boys.

Nicole pokes me in the chest. “This is what happens when you won’t wear a freaking condom,” she hisses.

I wrap my arms around her and kiss her nose, beaming down at her. She melts a little and I lower my head to take her mouth. The hinges on the door squeak as someone pushes it open and I whip my head around and shout, “Out!” The young woman jerks in surprise before scurrying backward and leaving.

“We’re having another baby,” I breathe, practically vibrating with joy and a healthy dose of lust, Oh yeah, knowing my woman is pregnant with my kid, seeing her round little belly. It’s a huge fucking turn on.
