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"Amy was… well… is Sierra's fault. She took her in when Amy was struggling to find her way. She needed help, and Sierra has a lot in common with her."

I'm not crazy about the vague answer, but I won't press the issue.

"So are all those people you hang out with your roommates?"

He swats at the air as if he's batting down my question.

"Hell no. We've got a lot of friends, but it's just Zee, Deke, Amy, Sierra, and myself in the cabin. As you've seen, it's plenty big enough for more. It gets lonely living by yourself after a while."

"You're only twenty-five," I chuckle out.

He shrugs. "I don't like living by myself. What about you? How do you like it?"

It's not exactly as thrilling as I originally thought it would be, but it's better than living with a coven before I have to.

"It's creepy, but I won't ever tell my mom that… if we find her that is," I murmur on a sour note, my eyes watering again.

"We'll find her. Did the police ever find any sign of foul play?" he asks while running his fingers through my hair in an affectionate motion.

No, because they're not the ones looking for her.

"No. I'm sure she's just off being stupid. I still worry though."

He smiles and pulls my hand to his lips.

"I guess you didn't get to spend too much time home alone. I started stalking you almost as soon as you moved in," he says to return to our previous conversation, keeping me from crying.

I laugh, my tears fading, and then I lean into him.

"You're one stalker I look forward to seeing."

"Good, because I plan on seeing you as much as I can for as long as I can."

Butterflies ruffle my stomach, and his hand slides down my back.

"I like the sound of that," I murmur as I nestle into him.

"I hope so," he says as if to himself, and then my eyes become too heavy to hold open any longer.

Chapter Nine

"Any word?" I ask while rocking back and forth on the bed, wondering where Kane has been for so long.

"No. We're still looking. Are you in Arizona?" Frankie asks.

"Yeah, I've been to Chicago, Memphis, New York, and now Phoenix within five days. What's going on? Why am I changing locations so much?"

He exhales heavily, and then finally he murmurs, "I should have told you, but Thad worried you already had too much on your plate. Your house was ransacked, your work was trashed, and we're worried whoever has Calypso is after you, too."

My heart sinks to the floor and my head begins pounding, searching aimlessly for answers.

"Who would want me and why? I haven't lived long enough to have enemies."

"No, but your mom has. And let's not even get started about your dad's long list of enemies. The point is, we're trying to keep you safe. Is Kane still with you?"

I glance out the window, still seeing no sign of my human.

"Yeah, but I'm not sure how long he's going to want to stay with me if I'm constantly on the move. I've already told him he could go home, but he swears he's not leaving until I can go home."

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