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His boy-next-door persona was washed away the day I met him - well, since I met the real Thad. Now he's the wolfish bad boy who loves to tease me.

"I can't believe I thought you were such a sweet guy," I huff out with a bit of a grin.

"I'm a changer, baby. I can look like anyone… including a sweet guy," he teases, his menacing grin emphasizing his mischievous eyes.

"Change into someone leaving," I mumble playfully while ushering him out the door.

"It's been a long time since a girl kicked me out of one of my houses."

I laugh loudly, and he jerks me by the back of the head to push his lips against mine before disappearing out the door, leaving me scowling at his quickly fading back as he blurs out of sight.

Obviously he was watching me to know Kane is gone, so I quickly go to draw the curtains shut.

The door opens again, and Kane walks in, carrying… nothing. Thad?

"Hey," I murmur softly, not sure if this is Kane or Thad. "You've been gone a while."

He smiles as he walks over to me, and his arms slide around my waist as his lips find mine. He tastes so damn good, and I smile.

Mmm. Definitely Kane.

"Yeah," he says pulling back. "I decided to go for a run after I went into town. I was going to bring you back something nice to eat, but I thought we could go out instead."

"Like a date?" I say too excitedly, quickly masking my giddiness with a more respectable composure.

"Yes," he snickers out while pulling me closer. "Like a date. Judging by your reaction, I'm assuming you've been wanting a date for a while."

I blush lightly while feigning nonchalance, making him laugh a little more.

"Go get ready, and I'll make us some reservations."

I tug at his hand, suddenly a little too turned on to simply walk away. I've never been this enthralled by anyone. At the same time, I feel guilty for dragging him around the country.

"Do you want to go home? I know you weren't expecting to be gone for so long, and I'm sure you didn't plan on living on the move."

He strums my lips with his, and then he shakes his head.

"I'm not leaving you. I'm perfectly fine bouncing around. Now, get ready, I'm taking you out."

I tug at his hand again, and he looks at me curiously.

"Actually, I sort of feel like ordering in now," I seductively release while leading him to the bed.

A smirk begins to play on his lips as he plays along, and he picks me up to gently toss me on the bed.

"Oh really?" he asks with a low, sizzling hot tone.

"Mm hm."

His lips find my neck, his teeth lightly grazing my skin as he sends the most delicious shivers all over my body. His hand slides between my legs, pushing aside the shorts as his finger rolls across my aroused center.

I moan lightly when his touch stimulates the insatiable beast inside me, and he starts pulling my shorts down slowly, drawing out the torture.

"I'm starting to think I've created a monster," he teases when my hand rubs across his erection.

"Maybe. Let's find out how vicious I can be."

He lets out a laugh, and then he pulls my shirt over my head just before his lips find my chest. I moan more, and then I rip his shirt over his head to offer me skin on skin.
