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"Cool. The girls cooked a big pot of spaghetti, and the meatballs are pretty badass."

Kane smirks as the sloppy boy holds the plate up and pulls another noodle to his lips before slurping it in as well.

I guess we were gone longer than I realized.

"Thanks. You're making me real hungry," Kane says sardonically.

Deke chuckles before walking into the den. My skin crawls as a chill spreads through the air, and I remember I have to cast the protection spell.

"Um, can I use your bathroom? I want to check my makeup."

"You look perfect, baby."

His soft voice is velvet in my ears, making me warm in so many ways.

"You're sweet, but I feel like my mascara is running. I'll be right back."

He pulls me to him, and his lips graze mine softly before releasing me to rush away. The masculine bedroom makes me smile on my way to the bathroom, and I shut and lock the door quickly while waving my hand over the mirror.

A flickering flame appears in the glass, and I draw a circle around it. Though my circle is merely smudges made by my fingers, it'll have to work.

Next I pull the safety pin from the hem of my dress, and I prick my finger with the sharp, stinging point. With a small wince, I force the blood out of the tiny opening, and I dab it into the center of the flame.

"Protect this home, let no dark pass through. Thresholds be strong, protection be true."

Chanting it softly three more times, I open my eyes back up to see the flame coming to life and sparking against my blood, accepting my magic. With a small flash, it disappears, taking my drop of blood with it as the veins of the house pump with a newfound will.

I walk out, heading back to the kitchen, and I smile when I see Kane light on his feet as he makes us two plates of food. I stifle a laugh as he pretends to bow to a dishtowel, the finale to his dancing number.

"Do you always dance when you're getting dinner ready?" I tease, and his cheeks blush a little.

"You weren't supposed to see that," he grumbles, an embarrassed smile playing on lips as his disheveled hair sweeps over his brow just barely.

I giggle slightly, fueling his embarrassment, and then he shakes his head. Our light moment is brought to an abrupt halt as Amy walks in from… the basement? That's really the only place that door could go.

"Hey," she says, smiling too big when she sees Kane.

Then her eyes land on me, and her face falls, disappointment tainting her darker brown eyes. They almost look black right now.

"Hey," Kane murmurs with an icy shot, the air bitten by the instant frost in his breath.

She glances at me again, and then she rolls her eyes before heading to the side door.

"Tell the others I'm going out for a run if they ask."

"You should invite Sierra if you're going for a run. You shouldn't b

e out by yourself," Kane murmurs without looking at her.

My heart cracks a little upon hearing his concern for her. I shouldn't be such a bitch, but I want him to be callous and cold.

"I'll behave, if that's what you're worried about," she almost whispers.

Behave? As in she won't go meet any guys? Why would Kane care?

"Hey guys," Sierra chirps while joining us. "What's up?

"Amy is going for a run. I told her to ask you to go with her," Kane says in a warmer tone, his eyes not giving Amy the attention she desperately wants.
