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Crossing his arms over his chest, he studies me, watching for any change in my face as I sit down on the arm of the chair beside him. When he makes no move to touch me, I can't help but dread the worst. I decide to throw it out there like I'm ripping off a Band-Aid.

"Long story short, there's a prophecy stating someone like me and someone like Gage will end up together. My family thinks it's the two of us. I'm not ready to play puppet to old prophecies though. Kane, I meant it earlier when I told you I love you."

"Is that all?" he asks, giving nothing away.

"Basically. I'll let you read that stupid book some time. Maybe you—"

His lips find mine and silence my rambling. He grips me tighter, pulling me close enough to feel his immortal heat, as I'm slid over onto his lap. After a breath-stealing, bone-shaking, heart-pounding kiss, he releases me enough to meet my eyes, but I'm still trying to remember how to breathe.

"Then I don't give a damn. If you want me, I'm yours. I've never been much of one for prophecies or destinies, in case you haven't noticed. Let's make our own destiny."

I can't help but let my girly grin free. Every bit of me wants him in so many ways.

"I do want you."

His goofy grin grows to match mine. "Good. Then stay with me tonight, and I'll drive you home in the morning. The Were Council won't come out tonight. It's the red moon, so they'll be locked up just like the wild ones downstairs. They'll be too vicious to be out unchained. Only the alphas are unaffected by the glow of the red moon, and an alpha won't go out to Drackus's without his betas."

I nod, realizing he's right, and then I reach over to pull his phone from the small table beside us.

"Do you care if I use this? I have no idea where mine is."

"Of course," he says with a shrug, keeping his hands pinned to my waist.

Drackus picks up on the first ring. "Where's my daughter, night stalker?" he growls.

Kane stifles a laugh as I roll my eyes. "She's right here," I roll out with a little attitude.

"Alyssa, your mother has been worried sick, and quite frankly, so have I."

"That's Alyssa?" I hear Mom say. "Give me that damn phone."

I take a deep breath and ready myself for the unavoidable scolding wrath of Calypso.

"Alyssa, I swear I'm going to kick your ass for running off in the middle of a red moon night!"

"I didn't run off, Mom. I... well, I sort of did some sleepwalking—and driving—and then I woke up here at Kane's house. I'm staying here tonight since no one from the Were council can meet with us yet. I'll be back in the morning... with Kane."

She curses in a whisper, not meaning to let me overhear. "From dark users to night stalkers—have you completely lost your mind?"

Kane rolls his eyes while leaning back in the chair. Sierra and Amy's howls get louder, their growling becoming more rampaged as Deke opens the door to rejoin us.

"What the hell is that?" Mom hisses.

"That would be the two lycans that are locked up downstairs."

"Lycans?" Mom shrieks.

Ignoring her, I continue, "I'll be home in the morning, no negotiations. I don't want to ride back with Gage following me."

She goes mute for a moment, realizing I need to stay away from the dark user promised to lead me into a destructive destiny. I may not believe it, but she does.

"Very well. Call me when you start home," she says after a long pause, sounding regrouped and calmer.

"I will. I love you, Mom."

"I love you, darling. I'm here when you need to talk. I'm not going anywhere ever again."

I shiver as the past few months come winding around my mind. Kane's arms tighten around me, but his head tilts to show his bemusement. Hanging up his phone, I lean down to press a chaste kiss on his lips. Deke heads outside, leaving us alone for the second time.
