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"Call him now."

Kane nods once, returning to the abandoned bags of pie he apparently dropped on the sidewalk. I cross my arms over my chest, but a brush of air finds my cheek, making me almost curse aloud.

"What?" I grumble, knowing damn well Gage is behind me.

"I need you to come with me to see the widows. They wish to know the details of how their fallen spidress died. They want to help us find the main puppet-master who helped the spirit and human witch."

"Widow help," I scoff, never moving my eyes from the house.

"She's not going without me," Kane says as he joins us.

"Did you call him?" I ask, realizing I'm so focused on this human that I've tuned out almost everything else.

"I did. He'll be by in a couple of days to start the process. He has to clear it through some channels first."

Gage tilts his head, but he doesn't question our conversation. "How are you going to leave Amy alone on a red moon night?" he asks, returning to the immortal problem at hand.

"I'm not leaving her alone. She has plenty of people there. Most everyone was already coming since we've got Thad's memorial to go to tomorrow. The coroner finally released the body, and his changer family has cremated his remains. We're going to the cemetery to bury his urn, putting him in the same place as his parents' urns," Kane says, bringing all that pain back to life.

Immortals have to be burned and buried once they are dead to pass through the correct planes—another part of our fucked-up world. We even have to keep their ashes inside a welded-shut urn.

"I have to take her to see the widows, Kane. Do you really need me to verse you on the outstanding rivalry between your species and theirs?"

Kane's jaw tenses and he cracks his neck to the side. I hope he's not worried about me being alone with Gage.

"It's fine, Kane. We need their help. A group of pissed-off widows could prove useful—as long as we're not the ones they're pissed at," I mutter to defuse the burning glare exchange.

I glance over my shoulder at the house once more, wishing I could go save those kids. Some humans are just as evil as all of our dark entities. The fey just have fangs as proof of a vicious side.

"If they want to help us, they'll eventually have to deal with my species," Kane snarls.

"Agreed. And I'll make them aware of that tonight," Gage says, shrugging, stifling his triumphant grin.

Kane murmurs something too low for me to hear, and then he jerks me to him, pressing a deep, devouring, showy kiss to my lips. My hands tangle in h

is hair, bringing him closer, even though this is really just his way of pissing on me to claim his territory. Men, I scoff inwardly.

After his tongue leaves me desperate for more, he withdraws, showing he's as breathless as me.

"Hurry back and call me if anything happens," he murmurs softly, offering one last kiss, though this one is chaste.

"I will."

I walk away, feeling Kane's eyes on me as I make my way to Gage. His back is turned as he waits by his car—no doubt trying to avoid witnessing the kissing exhibition.

"Ready?" he asks as I approach, not turning to meet my eyes as he moves to the passenger side door.

"Not really, but do I ever have a choice these days?" I grumble, as he opens the door for me.

"You have choices—you just tend to make the wrong ones usually."

"I'm not—"

He shuts the door on my retort, smirking as I fume at him. As soon as he sits down beside me, I don't hold back.

"I'm not making the wrong choice. I blame you for this—all of this. You knew. You knew you could kill my light, but you came for me anyhow."

He sighs out as he cranks the car and begins speeding away. I look back just as Kane pulls away from the curb. I already regret not pushing harder for him to come, but the widows really do hate night stalkers. I'd be afraid they'd do something stupid if he showed up unannounced and unwelcome.
