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Groaning, I tuck Sophie back into her carrier and wonder how I’m going to get out of this one.

Sure enough, a few hours later, Lana shows up with Kendall in tow, the latter grinning, sadistically and Lana looking more than a little disgruntled.

“Is this because I refused to share my yogurt with you last week?” She demands.

I laugh, helplessly, trying to deny it.

Kendall just examines her manicured nails, smirking. “She doesn’t trust you. So sad.”

Lana glares at her. “You’re turning more and more into Caleb. He’s not a good influence on you, you know.”

Kendall sighs happily. “I know.”

I chuckle.

Lana scowls at me. “What are you laughing at?”

My smile immediately gives way to a severe expression. I try to maintain it and shrug. “It was funny…” I trail off when she looks about ready to hit me with something and I attempt to do damage control, “You two can babysit her together. Have a girl’s night or something.”

Lana looks interested in the idea.

Kendall tickles my daughter enticing some giggles out of her. “Sounds good to me.” Then she glances at me. “You sure you’ll be okay with leaving her, I know you haven’t left her side even once.”

I consider her words and then sigh, remembering what Lucas said about me needing some time to myself. “Yeah, I’ll check in every hour.”

Lana grins then. “We won’t mind keeping her overnight, you know, if you get lucky or something.”

“No!” The word is forcibly torn from my throat and I realize the slip.

Both my friends are staring at me, their eyes wide.

My cheeks flush with shame. “Sorry, I didn’t – I didn’t mean to shout.”

“It was just a joke,” Kendall says, gently, and then she exchanges a worried look with Lana, before lowering her voice and adding, “You know you don’t have to sleep with him?”

I nod, not knowing where the sudden fear had come from. “Yeah, I know. Lucas said he wouldn’t touch me without my permission.”

Is that why saying yes to this date hadn’t been so hard? Am I scared of a man touching me?

This is a worrisome thought and suddenly, I’m not very sure about this whole thing. Maybe I should just bake him a pie instead?

As if my thoughts were being transmitted to him, Lucas’s voice chimes in, “Afternoon, ladies.” He’s walking towards us, his coat slung over his arm, while the sleeves of his dress shirt have been rolled up to his elbow, his tie loosened.

My breath catches at how sexy he looks and I wonder if he knows how he could make any girl’s heart stop right now.

By the satisfied glint in his eye, he seems to be aware of the effect he’s having on me.

I stubbornly stand my ground while refusing to look away.

His eyes remain on me and he’s wearing a smug grin on his face.

“Did someone rob you?” Lana asks, bluntly.

He looks surprised. “No.”

“Then fix your clothes,” she orders.

Lucas grins at her. “It’s a lunch break. Also known as the freedom hour.”
