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The fucking nerve.

I glared at the island counter in the middle of the kitchen and a sound from behind me has me looking over my shoulder.

Debra is standing there, her face pale. “You called Riley?”

I snort, angrily. “He called me. He wants to come and see you.”

My sister doesn’t look very good as she sidles over to me, seeking comfort and I feel like we’re children again, where she used to burrow herself in me every time she felt scared.

“You don’t have to see him, Deb,” I tell her, putting my hands on her shoulders and lightly pushing her back so that I can see her face.

She looks miserable. “I can’t avoid him forever.”

Sighing, I bring her in for a hug and offer, “Do you want me to beat him up? I have a wooden bat upstairs. I’m sure one or two broken bones should appease you.”

She snickers at this.

I grin in relief. “It’s probably going to take him a while to get here.” I sit her onto one of the kitchen stools, and turn away from the ice cream I had intended to give her and start preparing hot chocolate. “You need something stronger.”

“Alcohol?” she asks, dryly.

I’m glad to see some of her dry wit return. “Nope. Food of the Gods.”

Her lips twitch. “You’re making me hot chocolate before I square off against my fiancé?”

I take out the chocolate powder that I usually keep for her. “This is because you’ve probably been sitting on my porch for a while now and it’s cold and I don’t want you to get sick.”

She smiles gratefully and although the smile is little wan, the fact that we’re together makes it easier for her to bounce back.

A few minutes later, I place a huge mug of hot cocoa in front of her and she grins. It’s so reminiscent of our childhood, me looking after her. We sit in silence as I make a mug for myself.

After a while, I sigh. “You’ll have to tell Riley everything. If you want, I can stay with you while you do so.”

Debra shakes her head. “No. I can do this on my own.” She gives me a wobbly smile, “It’s so strange that I cuss at you half the time, and the minute there’s the first sign of trouble or I’m upset, I come running to you to make me feel better. And it always works.”

I bump her with my hip, teasing softly, “Well, you are my baby sister. It’s my job to make you feel better.”

“By three minutes.” She scoffs. But she looks pleased.

When Riley arrives an hour later, Debra is much better but her eyes are still puffy from crying and her complexion is wan.

Riley takes one look at her and the devastation on his face is obvious. Riley O’Conner is a university professor in the field of Econometrics. He’s smart, good looking and has a scholarly bearing.

I never knew this was Debra’s type until she dragged him to a family lunch to introduce him. I had approved of him, but today I’m all sorts of irritated with this man and would like nothing more than to punch him in the face, glasses and all.

Riley rushes past me and throws his arms around Debra, murmuring something over and over again like a broken CD player. Debra’s eyes tear up.

Gritting my teeth, I leave the room, giving them some privacy.

Sulking, I still wish she’d let me knock his front teeth out.

Going to my bedroom, I change out of my shirt and as I’m putting away the shirt, I see the dry drool on it and I can’t help but smile. My smile falters as I recall the contract I’d seen in Elise’s drawer. I have pictures of it on my phone but the terms and conditions on it are something that are troubling me.

If she’s not allowed to advertise that Darren Hall is Sophie’s father, then why has Darren spread the news?

It feels like something deeper is going on here. Putting the shirt on the bed, I sit down on it, heavily, wearing a frown, my chin resting on my clasped hands.

